Spirited Start
Well, not everyone can start <a href="http://www.northshorespirit.com/scoreboard/standings/">3-0</a>.
There's a 5pm game against the Grays on Thursday. Might try to make it. Any takers? Mike Timlin will be in the crowd. First 1,000 fans get a t-shirt.
Road trip, but maybe not this year.
Jump: How them Senators doing?
With Your Life All Planned.
Family Man.
With Your Christmas Lights Already Up.
Game 3 is Saturday night at 8, and will be shown (via projector) on the side of my house. Anyone is welcome to come help me cheer on the Sens. There will be poutine.
It's so worth it, even if our respective spouses cringe when new BATTLES and SHELLAC LPS are released.
How is yr better half?