Yoooooooooooooouuuu k
Fun, but, I'm not certain he's actually writing it: <a href="http://kevinyoukilis.mlblogs.com/kevinyoukilis/">Kevin Youkilis @ MLBlogs</a>.
Is 10D the only person I know who can pull off a convincing John Damon costume _AND_ try for a convincing Kevin Youkilis? Maybe.
<img src="http://img.search.com/thumb/e/e0/GgAllin001.jpg/200px-GgAllin001.jpg" />
Youk's blog is totally ghostwritten.
I think each MLB team should have a blog cap -- 2 or 3 players, tops, who do it.
MMMMMM scat Breakfast treats. As Rachael Ray would say: "That's DEEEEEEEE-LISH!"
times 100.
mwah for the Monday AM LOL, MF. You made my day.