Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-10-04 17:59:54 +0000
Yankees at Cleveland ALDS-B, G1
A decent match-up, and both were on the Cheney Dicks!!!
Let's go Wang!
Let's go CC Sabathia!
Break your ankle Giambi!
Posted by MF DU on 2007-10-04 19:05:14 +0000
Anyone else having aesthetic problems with TBS ALDS coverage?
A few gripes:
-Jon Bon Jovi bumpers (even more annoying than ESPN / MLB Dane Cook bumpers)
-weird commercials
-problems locating what the f%^$&$% channel TBS even is. can anyone ever remember specifically setting out to watch TBS other than for a sporting event? Dude WTF
channeling my best Duane:
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-10-04 19:16:12 +0000
I don't like that they consistently miss at least the first pitch of every inning, and then have to show the replay because it was a play.
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-10-04 19:52:19 +0000
The strike zone graphics are really bad -- they cover the path of the ball with this computer-generated swoop, then put up a big target to show where the ball landed.
Orsillo is owning it.
Posted by respectless on 2007-10-04 20:09:08 +0000
the commentary did seem really subdued. too businesslike or something.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-10-04 20:13:19 +0000
I'm feeling really stupid right now - I definitely heard Orsillo on the rockies game - did he also do the TBS red sox game?
the MLB page on WTBS lists <a href=",,117551,00.html">Alyssa Milano</a> as "talent"? Weird...
Posted by tommy on 2007-10-04 23:33:36 +0000
I'm listening to the home teams' broadcasts on the radio. This afternoon, this ad came on during the Phillies/Rockies game:
"This October is cock hair month at your local Philadelphia-area Jiffy Lube outlet"
Had to think about that one for a while... apparently it's Philadelphia-accent for 'car care'.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-10-04 23:54:32 +0000
No, but he did all three Rockies games since Game 162.
Posted by tgl on 2007-10-05 00:14:00 +0000
...and Cleveland is leading. (England is bleeding.)
Posted by tgl on 2007-10-05 00:58:00 +0000
It's getting ugly.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-10-05 01:57:25 +0000
So far, every game this postseason has gone for the team I'm rooting for. Yes, I like the D-Backs over the Cubs.
Posted by tgl on 2007-10-05 13:21:26 +0000
10D, 4 for 4.
Red Sox 1, Angels 0
Red Faces 1, Yankees 0
Diamondbacks 2, Cubs 0
Rockies 2, Phillies 0
ALDS A/B sweep all around?
Posted by tommy on 2007-10-05 14:18:08 +0000
I'm definitely rooting for the Phillies, but other than that I'm with you. I thought I was going to like the Cubs in NLDS2, but when the games actually started, I was pulling for the Diamondbacks.
We see a small semi toe-headed boy day dreaming about what it would be like to have a diamond back bike as he watches his friends traverse dirt mound jumps on a local construction site...
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-10-05 15:56:23 +0000
6 for 6
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-10-08 05:16:16 +0000
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-10-07 00:06:39 +0000
8 for 8, D-Backs are on their way to 9 for 9. Are we getting 4 sweeps?
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-10-07 04:26:11 +0000
Colorado is fucking terrifying. Whoa!
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-10-07 04:53:30 +0000
I like the 4 sweeps call.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-10-07 14:46:31 +0000
10 for 10, two more wins for the good guys away from 4 sweeps.
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-10-07 22:12:08 +0000
One win to go!
Posted by MF DU on 2007-10-08 01:26:01 +0000
The way I'm liking John Damon: Not so much. Fuck.
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-10-08 01:33:13 +0000
Ditto Nixon and his HUGE fielding error.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-10-08 01:51:20 +0000
Hip! Hip! Booooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-10-08 05:17:21 +0000
nixon goes 2 for 4, but the error... Yikes?!?
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-10-08 06:28:43 +0000
To start off, I don't care who wins the Cleveland/MFY series. I don't want to "avoid NY" nor do I feel one has to "go through New York to the Series". I seriously do not care. But... I like J. Damon:
_-He unarguably has the worst arm of any Yankees outfielder since Chuck Knoblauch (and it's probably worse), yet he's a great fielder.
-He took the highest offer, would have stayed in Boston if we/they matched (said so publicly), and he makes no apologies about it. I believe it was 4 years @ 40 million from the BoSox, 4 years @ 51 million form the Highlanders.
-He's a surfer from California.
-He's a big game hitter. And not just in the 8th or 9th inning, but in the 1st or 5th inning of a huge game, when guys are on base.
-Aside from Wakedawg and Bill Lee, he's the Red Sock I've had the most interaction with, and he's been cordial every time.
Not trying to quarrel with DU, but I dig the guy, even if I don't want his team to do well.
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-10-08 06:58:00 +0000
I feel you on these points -- Damon was a favorite while he was here.
Dice-K got signed, after the negotiation fee, for 5/52. Damon got 4/52 from the Yankees; Dice-K got #18. I thought it was calculated.
As far as the winner of the Yankees/Indians series goes, I'd love to see Cleveland pull it out, if for no other reason than a different storyline.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-10-08 11:40:43 +0000
Fair points. In an objective world yours would win the argument.
That said, I'm finding fun for some reason in dumping a tremendous amount of shit on him anyway.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-10-08 13:04:39 +0000
I don't care who wins this series either. I like watching the Yankees lose and I like seeing new teams go deep into the playoffs. I also think it's important for the Sox to beat the Yankees. I don't care about the World Series, I just want the Sox to beat the Yankees. This year, they may have one the division, and they may win the WS, but they lost to the Yankees, 10-8, and for that, I consider this season a failure. However, if the Yankees make it to the Championship series, and the Sox manage to take the series 4-0 or 4-1, then I'll accept that as winning the season series.
What I really wanted to see was 4 sweeps, regardless of the fact that it would have been the 4 teams I was rooting for, just 'cuz that would have been neat. Now that the Yankees weren't swept, I want this series to go 5 games to tire out whomever the Red Sox have to face.
Oh, and JD? Taking the money wasn't the gay part. It was the "I'll never play for the Yankees", and then taking the money.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-10-08 22:11:33 +0000
Tribe goes with the #4 starter, Byrd.
Highlanders go with the #1, Wang, on 3 days rest.
Game 5 would be Sabathia vs. Pettitte.
Posted by tgl on 2007-10-09 00:16:20 +0000
Wang needed more rest. Mussina comes on in the 2nd.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-10-09 00:21:26 +0000
Getting ugly early, but Mussina looks OK.
Posted by tgl on 2007-10-09 01:43:52 +0000
The immortal Kyle Farnsworth.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-10-09 01:49:29 +0000
<a href="">Bye Clemens</a>. Have fun making more bad TV commercials somewhere, or something.
A few gripes:
-Jon Bon Jovi bumpers (even more annoying than ESPN / MLB Dane Cook bumpers)
-weird commercials
-problems locating what the f%^$&$% channel TBS even is. can anyone ever remember specifically setting out to watch TBS other than for a sporting event? Dude WTF
channeling my best Duane:
Orsillo is owning it.
the MLB page on WTBS lists <a href=",,117551,00.html">Alyssa Milano</a> as "talent"? Weird...
"This October is cock hair month at your local Philadelphia-area Jiffy Lube outlet"
Had to think about that one for a while... apparently it's Philadelphia-accent for 'car care'.
Red Sox 1, Angels 0
Red Faces 1, Yankees 0
Diamondbacks 2, Cubs 0
Rockies 2, Phillies 0
ALDS A/B sweep all around?
<img src="" />
Setting: Lewisville, Texas 1984.
We see a small semi toe-headed boy day dreaming about what it would be like to have a diamond back bike as he watches his friends traverse dirt mound jumps on a local construction site...
<img src="">
_-He unarguably has the worst arm of any Yankees outfielder since Chuck Knoblauch (and it's probably worse), yet he's a great fielder.
-He took the highest offer, would have stayed in Boston if we/they matched (said so publicly), and he makes no apologies about it. I believe it was 4 years @ 40 million from the BoSox, 4 years @ 51 million form the Highlanders.
-He's a surfer from California.
-He's a big game hitter. And not just in the 8th or 9th inning, but in the 1st or 5th inning of a huge game, when guys are on base.
-Aside from Wakedawg and Bill Lee, he's the Red Sock I've had the most interaction with, and he's been cordial every time.
Not trying to quarrel with DU, but I dig the guy, even if I don't want his team to do well.
Dice-K got signed, after the negotiation fee, for 5/52. Damon got 4/52 from the Yankees; Dice-K got #18. I thought it was calculated.
As far as the winner of the Yankees/Indians series goes, I'd love to see Cleveland pull it out, if for no other reason than a different storyline.
That said, I'm finding fun for some reason in dumping a tremendous amount of shit on him anyway.
What I really wanted to see was 4 sweeps, regardless of the fact that it would have been the 4 teams I was rooting for, just 'cuz that would have been neat. Now that the Yankees weren't swept, I want this series to go 5 games to tire out whomever the Red Sox have to face.
Oh, and JD? Taking the money wasn't the gay part. It was the "I'll never play for the Yankees", and then taking the money.
Highlanders go with the #1, Wang, on 3 days rest.
Game 5 would be Sabathia vs. Pettitte.