throwing shoes since '04
Radiohead: "In Rainbows"
Maddie et. al Kickin' It Free Prose Style
PJ Harvey Immersion #9 -- "Peel Sessions 1991-2004" (2006)
In Game 163, I like the:
Batch #11: ESB
70 minutes into town
RS.N 2007 Fantasy Baseball standings
Home Inspection = Photo of the Month
I know I shouldn't laugh...
Quad A
This is much more fun than writing job application letters
CPLFM(@)T 10/1-2/07
Wellfleet Oyster Festival
Week 5 picks
Yankees at Cleveland ALDS-B, G1
Well let's hope the full length is better
End Of Radio - Show #14 Thursday October 4th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
30 Frickin' Years
my new favourite band
Roadtrip with my back out
Manny = walk off
for those who may have missed it or came late my housemate steve was kind enough to film this 10/1 c4rt great scott
10/6/07 (No. 1006)
PJ Harvey Immersion #10 -- "White Chalk" (2007)
The Donnas Rule
CPLFM(@)T 10/8-9/07
The independent brewer is the backbone of this country
Rev. Horton Heat in Nashville
Cowboys and Indians
Q tonight
The real reason I listen to French public radio...
A little shindig that a "friend" of mine is having
dont hassle the...
2007 ALCS
End Of Radio - Show #15 Hubris edition Thursday October 11th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
four candles
Sat night - Carter Notch AMC hut
Will get laughed
Amsterdam in the news:
33 1/3: 'Let's Talk About Love'
33 1/3: 'Let's Talk About Love'
33 1/3: 'Let's Talk About Love'
33 1/3: 'Let's Talk About Love'
Immersion schedule:
Bye Bye Rhode Island
CPFLM(@)T 10/15-16/07
The rest of the series goes like this:
And you thought same-sex unions were progressive.....
Reagan's Not Dead
Spooning is two bodies curling around each other ... a horizontal hug
Withnail & I
A Tax on Your House!
Father's Day 2014
Spoon: "The Underdog"
Bad news re: Lance from J Church
Rodrigo y Gabriella
300: a film
I would like to dedicate this video to 10diamonds
Wild Thing not on the mound we are safe
End Of Radio - Show #16 Thursday October 18th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
Gone Baby Gone
G 172: Dice-K vs. Westbrook
A Cubicle Vocation Might Yet Not Be The World's Worst Vocation
2007 World Series
CPLFM(@)T 10/22-3/07
The Hebrew Hammer - Not JB the J
Krausen envy
gang members (discussion)
Dress-ing Up
End Of Radio - Show #17 Halloween Edition Thursday October 25th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
Kids - enquiring minds want to know...
The skunk under my front porch:
Terrorist will not negotiate with the Yankees
2007 Boston Red Sox MLB Champs Thread
Pavement Immersion #1: "Westing By Musket And Sextant"
Batch #12: Hard Cider
Jam Master Jay - murdered 5 years ago - still no answers
Best Halloween Costumes Seen in 2007
End Of Radio - Show #18 WMUA Fundraiser Edition Thursday November 1st 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
CPFLM(@)T 10/29-30/07
Chad in the news...
Free Rice
Halloween '07
Robert Goulet, RIP
Dead Alive on the Big Screen
I Heart You, Mary Jane
Who really controls time?
Epoisses Rapping at Ralph's about the Minutemen
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