The Hebrew Hammer - Not JB the J
From Seth Mnookin's blog replies today:
"Admit it. You want Youkilis in there because it’d be like Jesse Owens in the ‘36 Olympics. The Fundamentalist Rockies will be sh*tting their pants and looking for his horns as he is depositing balls onto the rockpile with the mighty swings of his Hebrew Hammer(tm). "
Uncle J! Got tickets?
And no, I did not get tickets to the World Series. The Rockies basically were pressured by the City of Denver to only sell tickets online so that out of towners would have a better chance of going to the game, thus driving tourism revenue. The result is that out of the two dozen people that I know trying for tickets, only one guy, who is a scalper with 10 people working for him to get tickets, got tickets. In fact he got 3 sets, all of which he has put on Stub Hub. Stub Hub is the only place to get tickets now and it is about $500 for the worst seat in the house (normal price $5). There are a lot of agry people here who have been supporting the team for a decade and going to innumerable games when they stunk - and who cannot now afford to go to the series. Here's to the free market system!!!! I was gonna chear for the Sox anyway, but now I especially want them to win.