Dress-ing Up
So, this morning I noticed that it was at least 20 degrees cooler than I was waking up to 2 weeks ago, and decided to wear a dress to work. It's a new dress that I bought in FL last month and wore once, to synagogue during the high holidays, but only for about 2 hours...until I got home and changed into jeans.
Anyway, I get to work 1/2 hour early since I had a 9am meeting and was met by comments (albeit nice comments) from my boss that I not only looked nice and appropriate for work today, but I also looked pretty. As the day progressed, several other people commented that I looked nice, but also said that they didn't know I owned a dress.
I could've taken offense at any point, but chose to think that they don't really know me, what's in my closet, or the fact that I choose not to look my best at work most of the time, that I choose to dress for a job where almost no one sees me other than my coworkers or people going to the gym. Today, however, I chose to dress for myself, not them.
That said, I can't wait to go home, change into my jeans, snuggle up with a bowl of soup and the World Series.
I've been wearing trousers ever since.
The office cleaning lady seems to be in possession of not-nice. So sorry she's such a nuisance. You should wear skirts if they make you happy, and maybe for Huzb every once in a while. Even if you're not procreating, you can pretend!