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tome cusp
Posted by Miriam on 2007-10-25 20:37:06 +0000

Dress-ing Up

So, this morning I noticed that it was at least 20 degrees cooler than I was waking up to 2 weeks ago, and decided to wear a dress to work. It's a new dress that I bought in FL last month and wore once, to synagogue during the high holidays, but only for about 2 hours...until I got home and changed into jeans.

Anyway, I get to work 1/2 hour early since I had a 9am meeting and was met by comments (albeit nice comments) from my boss that I not only looked nice and appropriate for work today, but I also looked pretty. As the day progressed, several other people commented that I looked nice, but also said that they didn't know I owned a dress.

I could've taken offense at any point, but chose to think that they don't really know me, what's in my closet, or the fact that I choose not to look my best at work most of the time, that I choose to dress for a job where almost no one sees me other than my coworkers or people going to the gym. Today, however, I chose to dress for myself, not them.

That said, I can't wait to go home, change into my jeans, snuggle up with a bowl of soup and the World Series.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-10-26 06:58:31 +0000
Huzb is always bugging me to wear short skirts with wooly tights and sneakers. Such a weird combination - I think he's been living in Holland for too long. I gave in to him one day last week, and the office building's cleaning woman looked me and and down and said, "Je hebt heel dik geworden!" (You've gotten really fat!) and when I looked surprised, she asked, "Heb je het niet al gemerkt?" (Haven't you noticed?)

I've been wearing trousers ever since.

Posted by G lib on 2007-10-26 11:13:14 +0000
How rude, not to mention UNTRUE! She needs a beat-down. Or at least some gum ground into the carpet.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-10-26 11:35:41 +0000
She's been trying to will me pregnant ever since I got married 3 years ago (she & her hubby haven't been able to have kids, so she wants everyone else to be producing like rabbits). Maybe she was hoping I had some "happy news". I don't, by the way. And the cleaner's officially off my holiday card list.

Posted by G lib on 2007-10-26 11:41:01 +0000
Holiday card list?!?!?! She'd be at the top of my tire slashing list.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-10-26 14:06:37 +0000
I wore the outfit you just described today...only with my short skirt, I'm wearing zig-zag patterned tights and Fluevogs (maroon w/gibson swirl). Luckily no one has had the nerve to tell me I'm fat, since I clearly have gained weight in the last several months.

The office cleaning lady seems to be in possession of not-nice. So sorry she's such a nuisance. You should wear skirts if they make you happy, and maybe for Huzb every once in a while. Even if you're not procreating, you can pretend!

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-10-26 17:50:31 +0000
Huzb would so totally check you out rocking that outfit, girl! Woo woo!

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