2007 World Series
Fun game last night. Almost felt bad for the Indians after Youk's homer. Yowzers.
Are Dice K and Okajima gonna think that American baseball is always this fun? You know, win the AL East... win the pennant in 7 games, at home... go to the World series... typical season.
Does Wake (or even Lester?) get a start?
Jacoby starts? Bats first?
Sox in 5 games?
5 games.
Jacoby and Dustin = MVP!
Being Christian hasn't...
What I'm not so sure of:
--That the Rockies' collective public piousness makes them in fact better people than the Red Sox.
--That God is more likely to grant worldly success (like a World Series title) to better people than to worse people, i.e., that He sees such success as an appropriate reward for virtue.
--That He would choose to put in the fix, metaphysically speaking, in a sports event, for any reason.
But then, neither am I sure that the above <i>aren't</i> true...
If the red sox win I am going to take over the Shell gas station across the street for red sox nation.
The sox used to always thank jeebus when they would hit homers?!?!?!
Michael Vick is a worse person.