Reagan's Not Dead
<a href="">John Rotten joins the PTA</a>.
Paraphrasing from the article: Ramones/Sex Pistol's killed the hippies and enabled Reagan/Thatcher to emerge. So, Punk created the '80s.
Reagan created hardcore though.
Just picked up a collection of essays about Rotten, which hovers close to the top of my to-be-read pile (along with the new Doug Coupland and Joe Carducci and Michael Ruhlman):
<img src ="">
And <a href =""> this </a> comes out in December:
<img src ="">
The groundwork for hardcore was already down by the time the Reagan took office -- over here, the Germs came and went during the Carter administration, and Black Flag had gone through three of their four singers. Working class punk/oi/whatever had sped-up tempos in England. It was the Reagan/Thatcher tag team that shifted punk and hardcore from a city phenom to the suburbs.