End Of Radio - Show #15 Hubris edition Thursday October 11th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
The End of Radio - Thursday, 2007-10-11, 20:00:00-22:00:00
* denotes a request, # denotes a new release
Time Played - Artist - Song Title - Album Title - Label
#19:59:31 - Campaign For Real Time - Hey - LA Tracks 1933-1969 - Wonderdrug
20:01:57 - Iggy Pop - Success - The Passenger - Virgin
#20:05:56 - The Mabuses - Mirth - Mabused - Magpie Records
#20:11:50 - Enon - Colette - Grass Geysers... Carbon Clouds - Touch and go
#20:20:19 - Magik Markers - Circle - Boss - Ecstatic Peace!
#20:25:01 - Pinback - Barnes - Autumn Of The Serphs - Touch and Go
20:33:14 - Television - Little Johnny Jewel - 7" - Ork
20:34:45 - Dub Diablo - Talib Kweli v. Radiohead - 12" - BFR
20:38:17 - Charles Mingus - Fables of Faubus - Charles Mingus - Barnaby Records
20:47:19 - Serge Gainsbourg - Requiem Pour Un Con - Le Selections Du Cinema De Gainsbourg - Smoke Disque
20:50:51 - El Michaels Affair - Bring The Ruckus - 7" - Truth And Soul
20:52:10 - Sinead O'Connor - Throw Down Your Arms - 7" - Taxi
20:56:51 - Jandek - Your Other Man (Secret Frequency Crew Remix) - 7" - Schematic Music
21:08:28 - The Cramps - Domino (R. Orbison) - Gravest Hits EP / Off The Bone Compiliation - Alien Records
21:11:58 - The Girls - Jefferey I Hear You - 7" (Local Boston band 1979) - Hearthan
21:12:33 - La Peste - Better Off Dead - 7" - Black Records
21:15:46 - Iggy Pop and James Williamson - I Got A Right - 7" - Siamese
21:17:24 - Roxy Music (Phones Remix) - Editions of You - 7 - Virgin
21:23:34 - Test Icicles (Digital Remix) - What's Your Damage - The Dig Your Own Grave E.P. - Domino
21:35:17 - Gossip (Soulwax Nite Version) - Standing In The Way - V/A: Kitsune Maison Compilation 3 - Kitsune
21:38:03 - The Slits - I Heard It Through The Grapevine - Typical Girl 12" - Island
21:41:50 - Soulwax - Teachers - Nite Versions - Pias
21:43:31 - Dub Diablo - Hives vs. Peaches - 12 - BFR
21:45:48 - PIL - Annalisa - PIL (Edition 1) - Virgin
21:48:34 - Joakim - Love Me 2 - Monsters and Silly Songs - Versatile
21:56:14 - NY Dolls - Human Being - Too Much Too Soon - Mercury
podcast to follow soon...
<img src="http://www.code-d.com/papa-smurf/images/papa-smurf.gif">
I need some more guest RSN djs - Conor? DJ Dad TGL? G lib on the wheels of steel?
Make way for Pamsterdam.
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewHubrisEndofRadiofeaturingHubris10112007Part1/endofradiohubris101107part1.mp3">Part 1</a>
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewHubrisEndofRadiofeaturingHubris10112007Part2/endofradiohubris101107part2.mp3">Part 2</a>
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewHubrisEndofRadiofeaturingHubris10112007Part3/endofradiohubris101107part3.mp3">Part 3</a>
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewHubrisEndOfRadiofeaturingHubris101107Part4/endofradiohubris101107part4.mp3">Part 4</a>
Please also note that WMUA.org now offers streaming .mp3 capabilities (Itunes, Winamp, etc. etc.).
Motherfuck realplayer!
I meant that getting the <b>BIG PAMMI</b>(tm*) of radio to come do a set must be pretty awesome!
*I wish I also had the time to photoshop a picture of Pamsterdam's face onto Papi's body, but sadly, I don't...
I managed to photoshop my face onto Big Papi's body...
<img src="http://graphics.boston.com/images/bostondirtdogs//Headline_Archives/BDD_Big-Papi-Shrek_MW.jpg"></src>