Roadtrip with my back out
So, I had off work on Thursday and today for Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, so I decided to take Ubarsu on the road to Cincinnati to see my old friend and Israel roommate and her fiance. I left my house after a LONG morning of lazing around, and took the beautiful drive from Nashville to Cincinnati, arriving just before 6pm EST. That means I made it here in about 4 hours...which is fairly impressive for 275 miles. Turns out a 3 stroke engine goes mighty fast when the cops aren't around.
The only scary part was when a trucker honked at me as I passed him, then I saw him wave in my rearview mirror, while he flashed his lights. It was pretty clear he was flirting, but I wasn't interested in finding out if it was going to turn into a Thelma & Louise moment. I sped even faster and enjoyed the rest of the ride.
When I got to my friends' place, I was happy to see that it was a diverse, city neighborhood, but wasn't as excited when I stepped out of the car and realized that the whole street smelled like pee. Guess diverse also means dirty and kind of poor. Including the drug dealers who hang out in the park at the end of the side-street where their condo entrance is. A little unnerving. On the plus side, there's an amazing bakery 2 doors down that sells to stores and restaurants all over town. Had an unbelievable raspberry cheese danish and a sandwich back at the condo made with their whole wheat bread. Delicious!
We hung out in the condo most of the morning due to my completely unnecessary and unrelenting back pain. Talladega Nights was in the dvd player and then we ventured out to the local art museum, which was totally great. There were some paintings I never would've seen otherwise, and I got to see a few by some of my favorite painters and some really inspiring things by painters I wouldn't normally think of as interesting.
Going to the symphony tomorrow night. More modern art, and chillin'.
The rest of the weekend is sure to include plenty of crafts projects (I brought my Valentine's to start...just one last, final touch, then I will start personalizing them...very glad to have them done in time this year; I know several of you thought I had forgotten you when I didn't send any last year, but I was too busy and having a harder time breathing than now). We're also going to hit some cool shops and a very special trip to Trader Joe's, something I can't do in Nashville.
It's nice to get out of Nashville and hang with friends. I forget what it's like to be social for myself, and not for work. It's nice to be able to completely dissociate from my job for a few days.
Taking Monday off, do laundry and see the lung doc again. Feeling a little like my lungs are full of cotton lately. Probably just increased allergies due to the fall, but it's still pretty annoying.
Okay, off to bed for me. Sorry I've been off the board a lot, but it's been a little nuts at work and my seasonal depression kept me from saying anything I'd want to share.
Hope y'all are well!
3 stroke engine?
Sounds like a great trip...
One thing's for sure, though - we handle stress very differently. Maybe I should apologise to Rideside for posting so <i>much</i> lately. :o)
In any case, I'm really glad you're back on.
Simchat Torah= Jewish festival where you take all of to torahs in the synagogue out of the ark and dance around with them seven times to celebrate getting to the end and that you'll start reading it again the next day/next time it's time to read it (Monday, Thursday or Saturday)
3.0 liter engine
Trip has been great! Lots of reading: The Good Earth. 2 great museums (Modern Art yesterday), and the symphony last night...and a trip to Trader Joe's today, which will also be a highlight; they don't exist in TN.
Thanks for the support, and I'm glad to be back, too. Hope you are well...sounds like you may be a little stressed, too. Never apologize for adding something to the board!
How's your back? Sitting in a car all day is not particularly good for a bad back, honey. I hope you're taking care of yourself, and that those around you are taking care of you too.
I've got a lot on at the moment, not all good, and have been trying to escape from thinking about it in somewhat unhelpful ways. [she says whilst sipping a G&T at 4:51pm]
No, I've never found that a problem shared is a problem halved, but talking crap is a pleasant means of procrastination! E-mail me off-Rideside - we can talk about our respective boards.
If you have the Subaru H6, then you can call it a "six banger".
Apparently, I eat when I'm stressed. Went to the lung doc yesterday 'cause I feel like they're stuffed with cotton, and it turns out I gained 6 pounds in about 4 months...which is not cool. No wonder my clothes don't fit very well.
Back was okay on the drive. Good back support in Ubarsu. Took a yoga class yesterday evening, though, and I don't think that was a very good idea. Intention was good, follow-through meant more pain. Going to try the stationary bike after work. Moving around definitely helped over the weekend...once I could stand up straight.
Back to work for this kid...