A little shindig that a "friend" of mine is having
So, I hope you all consider coming to this <a href="https://beta.www.countway.harvard.edu/chm/rarebooks/docs/BibringFlyer.pdf"> event </a> that a "friend" of mine is hosting based on some work s/he's been "doing" for the past year or so. This "friend" says that there will be some good eats and probably copious amounts of good eats and drinks. I've attended one of my "frend's" events in the past and generally they are interesting, and s/he appreciates the support.
We'll exhibit hop!
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=5440306811591629330,42.334720,-71.103230%3B15029920276295665019,42.335350,-71.101450&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=Huntington+Ave%2FRT-9+E+%4042.334720,+-71.103230&daddr=Massachusetts+College+of+Art&mrcr=0&mra=mr&sll=42.335461,-71.102014&sspn=0.004156,0.007296&ie=UTF8&om=1&s=AARTsJqEq8zyD2YS7D5Rfu2KfWqmKv99tA&ll=42.335461,-71.102014&spn=0.005552,0.00912&z=16&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=5440306811591629330,42.334720,-71.103230%3B15029920276295665019,42.335350,-71.101450&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=Huntington+Ave%2FRT-9+E+%4042.334720,+-71.103230&daddr=Massachusetts+College+of+Art&mrcr=0&mra=mr&sll=42.335461,-71.102014&sspn=0.004156,0.007296&ie=UTF8&om=1&ll=42.335461,-71.102014&spn=0.005552,0.00912&z=16&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
a lot of peeps have .pdf configured to dial up speeds that will give you blank pages especially when the .pdf you are trying to look at has a lot of pics, colors, info etc.
edit - > preferences -> Internet - > Connection speed : LAN
have Allow fast web view / speculative downloading checked off
I also use their <a href="http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=329997&sliceId=2">troubleshooting</a> area at work sometimes...
Google "Arnheim Gallery of MassArt" and the first link takes you right to a description--only one without any link to the home page. When you finally get to the home page, it's totally unclear where you can find a map of the campus, and once you find the map, the building that the Arnheim is in, as described by their own website (<a href=http://www.massart.edu/at_massart/galleries/arnheim.html>the South building</a>), isn't showed on the flipping <a href=http://www.massart.edu/cgi-bin/frameset.pl?targetNode=58>map</a>. If you enlarge the map, the South building and its contents are listed below the map, though no building is identified as such. What kind of moron was in charge of this project?
Sorry. It just really bugs me when places that have, say, for example, an academic program in communication design can't convey basic geographic information. If you're giving directions, hyperlink that shit to a map, goddammit.