End Of Radio - Show #18 WMUA Fundraiser Edition Thursday November 1st 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
If you have enjoyed Epoisses / Minutemen special, guest dj spots from my main dj man Hubris, or any of the other podcasts, just an advance heads-up that <a href="http://www.wmua.org">WMUA</a> is doing its annual fundraiser this week.
For all donations (you decide!) There will be a special 'End of Radio' mix cd complete with Minutemen interview show excerpts, recorded psa for Minutemen special, Fall 2007 PSA for End of Radio etc.
Requisite hoodies, shirts, stickers, Battles cds, etc are also available.
Playlists and podcasts for End of Radio #18 will follow when this future 'End of Radio' show becomes the past.
8pm to 10pm EST 11/01/2007
Now streaming on the web in mp3 format. (Itunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player compatible!)
donation line: 413 577 (rap moves on to the year)3000
on air dj line: 413-345-3691
End of Radio mgmt.
* denotes a request, # denotes a new release
Time Played - Artist - Song Title - Album Title - Label
20:10:41 - Prince Charles and the City Beat Band - Cash, Cash Money - 10 Roir Years - Roir
20:23:56 - Fred wesley and the JB's - You can Have Watergate, Just gimme Some Bucks And I'll Be Straight - Funky good Time: The Anthology - Polydor
20:29:39 - John Oswald - Black - 69/96 - Seeland
20:30:59 - Evolution Control Committee - Rebel without a Pause / whipped Cream Remixes - s/t - Pickled Egg 7"
20:31:59 - Rapeman - Just Got Paid - Two Nuns and a Pack Mule - Touch and go
20:32:50 - Gang Of Four - To Hell with Poverty - V/a: In THe Beginning There was Rhythym - Soul Jazz
20:37:27 - Slits - Shoplifting - the Peel sessions - BBC
20:47:22 - Otomo Yoshihide - Cash Dispenser - We Insist? - sound Factory Records
21:02:09 - Negativland - Gimme The Mermaid - Fair Use: The Story Of The Letter U and The Numeral 2 - Seeland
21:02:39 - The Clash - Bankrobber - Bankrobber 7" - Columbia
21:04:49 - A Place To Bury Strangers - To Fix The Gash In Your Head - s/t - Killer Pimp
#21:16:48 - Mike Watt - Burnin For You - Guilt By Associatuion - Engine Room
21:18:52 - The Minutemen - Aint Talking 'bout Love / Dr. Wu (Van Halen / Steely Dan covers) - Double Nickels On the Dime - SST
21:19:35 - Nation of Ulysses - Love is a Bull Market - 13 Point Program to Destroy America - Dischord
21:32:49 - Duke Ellington / Max Roach / Charlie Mingus - Money Jungle - Money Jungle - Blue Note
21:33:13 - Embrace - Money - Money - Dischord
21:39:59 - Minor Threat - Stumped - Complete Discography - Dischord
21:40:44 - Melvins / Hank Williams III - Ramblin' Man - The Crybaby - Ipecac
21:41:42 - The Breeders - Drivin' On 9 - LAst Splash - Elektra
21:42:24 - Jets To Brazil - Empty Picture Frame - Four Cornered Night - Jade Tree
21:51:19 - Hank Williams III - Thunderstorms & Neon Signs - RISIN' oUTLAW - Curb
#21:54:38 - John Doe - I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine - I'm Not There Original SNDTK - Sony / Columbia
DU, can I still donate?
Ever since you vandalized that Apple store, G libby - you've been nothing but trouble! Tsk!
The only hitch is that the Dutch don't do checks - I could pay via PayPal, fax credit card details, or do a bank-to-bank transfer.