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i ride sideways
Posted by Miriam on 2007-10-17 21:03:52 +0000

A Tax on Your House!

So, Monday night I realized, as I was about to help lead a training for volunteers to solicit for my employer, that I hadn't filed my 2006 taxes yet. Luckily, I'd thought ahead and applied for an extension in April and sent in a small payment, just in case. Yesterday, I went to the local IRS office, where they told me they could file my taxes, but they needed my driver's license and social security card. I have never had a social security card, so they sent me to the social security office, where I got a number and ended up talking with the guy whose Volvo I almost bought in April until we were both called to the kind of scary windows. By the time I was finished there, the IRS office was going to be closed when I arrived, so I went back during my lunch break today. It only took 2 1/2 hours, including 1 hour of travel time for me to get it all done today, and the woman who helped me REALLY helped me. Turns out that not only am I getting back what I sent in April, but they're going to send me almost quadruple that, too! Good thing I didn't owe, 'cause I would've probably had to pay a penalty for filing late. Whew!

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