End Of Radio - Show #14 Thursday October 4th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
The End of Radio - Thursday, 2007-10-04, 20:00:00-22:00:00
* denotes a request, # denotes a new release
Time Played - Artist - Song Title - Album Title - Label
20:04:35 - Jawbox - Cutoff - Novelty - Dischord
20:06:16 - Warmers - Poke It With A Stick - s/t - Dischord
20:09:49 - Pissed Jeans - Fantasy world - Hope for Men - Sub Pop
20:13:35 - Black Flag - Nothing Left Inside - My War - SST
20:30:29 - Melvins - Eye Flys - Gluey Porch Treatments - Ipecac
20:31:36 - SUNN O))) - O))) Bow 1 - Flight Of The Behemoth - Southern Lord
20:40:05 - ISIS - Grinning Mouths - 3 (12/17/04) 2xlp - Profound Lore Records
20:50:19 - Neurosis - To The Wind - Given to The Rising - Neurot
20:57:33 - Cave In - On The Prowl - Pitch Perfect Black LP - Garden Of Exile / Hydrahead
#21:03:28 - Campaign For Real time - Marathon Monday - LA tracks (1933-1969) - Wonderdrug
21:10:20 - MF DOOM - Hoe Cakes - MM.. Food - Rhymesayers / Fat Beats
#21:12:41 - Robsonic - Smoke If You Got'um (Feat: Aesop Rock) - Sabotage Gigante - Defjux
21:25:26 - Company Flow - Collide / Intrude - Funcrusher Plus - Rawkus
21:26:46 - Little Brother - Its a Beautiful Morning - The Minstrel Show - Atlantic
#21:27:38 - M.I.A. - Mango Pickle Down River - Kala - XL 2xlp
21:32:18 - DNA - Lionel - NO NEW YORK - Antilles / Lillith
21:36:17 - Johnny Greenwood - Dirty Lux - Body Song 7" - Capitol
#21:37:36 - Roswell Rudd / Mark Dresser - Pregnant Pauses - Airwalkers - Clean Feed
#21:45:29 - Don Cherry Quintet - Cocktail Peace (End) - Live at Cafe Monmartre 1966 - ESP
21:50:33 - Zu - Canicula - Radiale - Atavistic
21:52:57 - Crain - Blistering - Heater - Restless
21:55:41 - Rodan - Tooth Fairy Retribution Manifesto - Rusty - 1/4 stick
fun? yes.
visceral? yes.
ear-splitting? yes.
absolutely essential? maybe.
anyone want to buy me a <a href="http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/news/46156-pitchfork-curates-all-tomorrows-parties-spring-2008">plane ticket</a> to England?
who are these people that call themselves 'fuck buttons'?
Until then:
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewEndOfRadio10_04_2007Part1/endofradio100407part1_64kb.mp3">Part 1</a>
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewEndOfRadio10_04_2007Part2/endofradio100407part2_64kb.mp3">Part 2</a>
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewEndOfRadio10_04_07Part3/endofradio100407part3_64kb.mp3">Part 3</a>
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewEndofRadio10_04_2007Part4/endofradio100407part4_64kb.mp3">Part 4</a>
Don't forget! This week (10/11/07 8pm - 10pm EST) on End of Radio will be RSN.net's very own HUBRIS!
Thursday 8-10pm through the very archaic stream linked through wmua.org / masslive.com (Real Player only - sorry).
Of course, i will try and upload it sometime after the actual performance as well...