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tome cusp
Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-10-29 13:13:56 +0000

Jam Master Jay - murdered 5 years ago - still no answers

Story <a href="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime_file/2007/10/28/2007-10-28_five_years_later_still_no_answer_in_jam_.html">here</a>

He was always my favorite.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-10-29 13:30:15 +0000
I don't know about Jay being my favorite, but if you don't think DMC is one of the greatest rappers of all time, you're playing yourself. MF DU and I saw Run-DMC at UNH, seemed more like a pathetic group of men doing the "oldies circuit" bands like the "Beach Boys" (note quotes) survive off now.

Posted by tommy on 2007-10-29 14:49:41 +0000

MC, I'm confused -- are you saying that DMC is one of the greatest of all time... or that he's a pathetic man on the oldies circuit? Or are you saying both?

I was just talking to my buddy The Juice about Run-DMC the other day. Raising Hell and Licensed to Ill were about all we listened to one summer ('86? '87?). Licensed to Ill hasn't held up well over time for me, but Raising Hell is just as furious and arm-hair-raising today as it was back then. One of the rockinest albums of all time.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-10-29 15:58:42 +0000
DMC is one of the greatest rappers; period.

When DU and I saw the Run-DMC show, it was really sad because they seemed old and out of it. I felt the same way when I saw Brian Wilson. The fact was I saw both of these shows way after both acts's primes. But neither show diminished their accomplished bodies of work.

Posted by tommy on 2007-10-30 10:07:32 +0000

Agreed re: DMC.

Also agreed that getting washed up does not diminish prior greatness.

I saw the "Beach Boys" at the Manning Bowl in Lynn circa 1986. It looked like they were going through the motions even then.

Posted by tgl on 2007-10-30 11:32:53 +0000
I missed the Manning Bowl by 3 months.

Seating for 70,000 in it's heyday.

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