Pavement Immersion #2: "Slanted And Enchanted" (1992)
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Record is <a href =""> here. </a>
Released April 20th, 1992 (dude, 4/20!) on Matador Records.
It didn't chart very well.
Great Song Nanny Up
I woulda been more disappointed if I didn't like the songs so much -- the Minutemen, as players, were Pavement's superiors in every way imaginable. But then it dawned on me: Pavement was <i> funny </i>, and lived in their own self-contained universe. Check.
The soundtrack to the last few months of high school -- listened to this on the way back from prom, every day at summer camp. Drove to Providence to see them play and was astounded to see these five normal-looking schmoes (okay, these four normal-looking schmoes and a grizzled hippie) climb up onstage and start playing Pavement songs -- I had never even seen a picture of the band (hey, that's the guy I talked to from the merch booth!). I wore my blue Pavement shirt on the first day of UNH, hoping to meet someone who knew what I was talking about.
I still know more about Yamantaka EYE that I do about Stephen Malkmus, but then, hey, what the hell do you want from me? I have pretty much always been playing catch up.
We were both "working" at WUNH - I think you were MD and I was the weird Anglophilic girl - it was the day after a Pavement show in Boston, and as I walked into the station I overheard you saying to a small group of people in your office, "Did you see (pamsterdam's name, said incredulously) in the MOSH PIT last night?" My proudest moment, that.
That show was on the "Crooked Rain" tour. But yeah, everything else is true.
Pop Tatari, while a hard sell, is not unlistenable.
You were a great MD. If that rings false - think of the "competition". Yeesh!