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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
While on hold with the oil company this morning...
Dear Parking enforcement attendant,
Slash shreds!
Today's Weather...
Bob Mould
Congrats to the Bronze Greek...
"Our Country"
Your junior high crush?
Pavement Immersion #2: "Slanted And Enchanted" (1992)
CPFLM(@)T 11/5-6/07
2007-8 Hot Stove Thread
Thanks for everything Organic Furniture
Youk gets the Glove
Batch #1 -- IPA
Where's the 2007-8 Celtics thread?
anybody near worcester tonight...
What do you call it when....
End Of Radio - Show #19 Thursday November 8th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
WTF is 'Extensive Vamping'?
RIP Norman Mailer
Pavement Immersion #3 -- "Watery, Domestic" (1992)
Dear Dustin Pedroia:
Fucked Up
CPFLM(@)T 11/12-3/07
Grizzly Man
The roar of the fuhrer
Saturday Hot Action
Who'd be down for a Talk Talk immersion?
To the lady who works the cafe on the 2nd floor of Tower:
This Day in Jazz
1st December 2007: White, Black and Grey
Fifty cent 1GB flash drives
Would you say it is more important to vote...
Powell's! (may contain C4RT/Ed Hochuli/Carducci content)
End Of Radio - Show #20 Thursday November 15th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
Cloning Monkees
For Fans Of 'Homicide: Life On The Street', 'The Corner', 'Oz' and 'The Wire'
Pavement Immersion #4 -- "Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain" (1994)
Bil Keane Reads Douglas Adams
David Lynch == Hitler
Wither Boyd Rice...
Honda Civic
CPFLM(@)T 11/19-20/07
If I had a car...
Dig crossword 11.21.07
What Ever Happened to The Avalanches?
Batch #13: Stout
Robert Lowell's grave/big in Germany
Pavement Immersion #5 -- "Wowee Zowee" (1995)
will work for food
The most amazing thing about learning to shoot a .22 Ruger on Saturday
nice one chaps
Today's playlist
2008 HoF thread
Lead singer of Quiet Riot dead
CPFLM(@)T 11/26-7/07
Salad Days
My gall bladder's cold
I do enjoy Stephen King
Ween @ Calvin Theater Northampton MA 11/27/2007
You're never too old to rock out...
End Of Radio - Show #21 Thursday November 29th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
To the 12 year old boy in front of me at Starbucks...
Interstella 5555
Find me on github.