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tome cusp
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-11-20 07:01:44 +0000

CPFLM(@)T 11/19-20/07

<IMG SRC ="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2082/2049746820_df3bccbc35_m.jpg">

<img src ="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2093/2049746786_eeedce3fd5_m.jpg">

"I can't really announce right now."
"If I can find it -- the people around here throw records like that out."
<a href ="http://www.myspace.com/kimyadawson">Kimya Dawson </a>
<a href ="http://www.myspace.com/metricband"> Metric </a>
Per capita suffering
3 Dig Naught
Jethro Tull = Systenm Of A Down

Posted by tgl on 2007-11-20 13:31:59 +0000
Color! Blasphemy!

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-11-20 16:56:14 +0000
Alec Baldwin = the Michael Jordan of acting

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-11-20 16:56:35 +0000
The gmail lighting was so creepy I couldn't resist.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-11-20 17:31:16 +0000
I saw Jethro Tull in concert in the Sultan's Pool in Jerusalem in 1992; I think I still have some of the show on cassette. My friends hoisted me over the security fence and we sat about 3 feet from the stage. I had managed to get 15 of us permission to go to the show past curfew. After the show, we went to the Western Wall in the Old City (after the fireworks show celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem). It probably wasn't the smartest thing for us to do; 15 teenage American girls in Jerusalem's most contentious site by themselves at night. Of course, I was the ringleader. And we got back to our dorm safely.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-11-20 17:31:44 +0000
L: I think every other American in Israel was there that night.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-11-20 19:57:53 +0000
Is that Scott Baio in the top photo?

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-11-21 05:14:20 +0000
Not clear

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