Less than 24 hours at the hospital, the Putnam Bagley family is back home and doing well.
Posted by dyedon8 on 2007-12-30 18:07:48 +0000
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-12-31 04:08:36 +0000
Congrats Bagley Putnams!!!
I was pulling for the name 'Orlanda', but 'Delilah' is pretty solid.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-12-31 12:07:13 +0000
I'd say congrats, but since no PutBags use the interweb, it seems pointless.
We were pushing for a city name, preferably starting with a vowel, preferably not O, A or E, so Ithaca or Utica or Innsbruck or something.
(Alder was almost Sampson, for the record)
Posted by dyedon8 on 2007-12-31 12:53:18 +0000
Utica = sick.
Posted by Miriam on 2007-12-31 15:39:02 +0000
Wow. Again, totally out of the loop.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-12-31 18:54:48 +0000
Best! great news.
Posted by tommy on 2008-01-02 15:10:43 +0000
A while ago, when tgl and I were at the curling championships, I mentioned that 10D and I work with a guy who was born just before <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_assassination"> November 22, 1963</a>.
The workmate's first name is the same as the name of the city where the assassination occurred, and his last name is the same as that of the unfortunate president whose term was ended that day. The question was posed: did his parents <b>cause</b> the assassination by choosing that name?
In light of this, we all agreed that an excellent name for a baby would be Utica Cheney.
(Sorry for the awkward wording... just trying to keep the coworker's name off of Google)
Posted by tgl on 2008-01-02 15:36:12 +0000
He's the fifth link on Google already.
Next great ice event at Tsongas Arena (aside from the Riverhawks):
Posted by tgl on 2008-01-02 17:16:08 +0000
...but no link from rs.n in the search. Got it.
Sorry Delilah, your first time doing an ego search will result in this sordid website.
Posted by virtue on 2008-01-02 17:27:11 +0000
No offense, tgl, but I think that might be overly optimistic on your part.
I was pulling for the name 'Orlanda', but 'Delilah' is pretty solid.
We were pushing for a city name, preferably starting with a vowel, preferably not O, A or E, so Ithaca or Utica or Innsbruck or something.
(Alder was almost Sampson, for the record)
The workmate's first name is the same as the name of the city where the assassination occurred, and his last name is the same as that of the unfortunate president whose term was ended that day. The question was posed: did his parents <b>cause</b> the assassination by choosing that name?
In light of this, we all agreed that an excellent name for a baby would be Utica Cheney.
(Sorry for the awkward wording... just trying to keep the coworker's name off of Google)
Next great ice event at Tsongas Arena (aside from the Riverhawks):
Sorry Delilah, your first time doing an ego search will result in this sordid website.
<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a50/passion2sail/Issac.jpg" />