tome cusp
Impending Nuptials
Another reason for cartoons
Pavement Immersion #6 -- "Brighten The Corners" (1997)
"I heard the whistle, I stopped."
Chrome Immersion #3 -- "3rd From The Sun" (1982)
CPFLM(@)T 12/3-4/07
Ahhh, the interweb
Photo development / thrift store news
two free tickets to see Frank McCourt this Thursday night at 6pm
Anybody down for the Fiery Furnaces at G,S this Monday?
Dirty Projectors @ Middle East Up 12/5/07
Gustatorial Wisdom
End Of Radio - Show #22 Thursday December 6th 2007 8:00 - 10:00pm
Poker night
The Tigers from Detroit
im a vegetarian not a spammer
America Tortures
islands in the stream (hong kong)
Paprika = good anime
You Tubin'-Do Not Deny the DAN
Dear Eric Gagne:
Pavement Immersion #7 -- "Terror Twilight" (1999)
TWFPS 12/8/07
probably my favorite anything ever.
If my name were Frank I'd have a hot dog stand called, "Frank's For the Memories".
hey sysadmin
CPFLM(@)T 12/10-11/07
Save the date: 12/17/07
BTO with Walter Stickert
Daily Double (cheeseburger, that is).
Oil-less Turkey Fryer
Happy Birthday MF DU!
Merry Christmas from The Mitchells
Liars/No Age Feb 8 2008
attention all audiophiles (specifically vinylists)
New Years Eve
For a Friday Afternoon, fr: The Sports Guy Mailbag
End of Radio - MF DU Birthday edition Show# 23 Thursday December 13th 2007 8:00-10:00pm
Bobb Trimble = Worcester's Own 80's Psych Guru
RIP Dan Fogelberg
The holidays make me feel...
Batman: The Dark Knight
Pitchfork's top 100 tracks of the year....
CPFLM(@)T 12/17-8/07
I (heart) Huckabee
Best line of email I've ever gotten in my life
Happy fifty.....
Top Ten ____________, 2007
End of Radio - Show# 24 Thursday December 20th 2007 8:00-10:00pm
TGL = Pete Rose
Another reason to love Milwaukee:
mums the word
Public Service Announcement
Choose Your Candidate
RIP - Oscar Peterson
The board is quiet this week, and I have to work. Happy Holidays.
New Years Eve
RIP Benazir Bhutto
End of Radio - Show# 25 (Joel R / Dan M in studio)Thursday December 27th 2007 8:00-10:00pm
Lifehacker appreciation post
For all lovers of the pursuit of football (american) perfection.
Palm Skin Productions Immersion #1 -- "Spock With A Beard" (1994)
Delilah Ocean
CPFLM(@)T 12/31/2007-01/01/2008
To all people of courage and fortitude...
2008 Resolutions I've begun
2008 Iowa Caucus Thread
UMASS Women's Volleyball "End" The End of Radio for 01/03/2008
I Am Legend's Other Famous Star
p*ssing myself laughing - i heart uncle jay
Batch #14: ESB
Pissed Jeans @ MidEast Upstairs, April 12th
Eau Claire Like This
No nod for Rice
new hobby anyone?
Last minute tix to the reading of Howard Zinn's "People's History of America"
Movie wrap up for 2007
For all the RSN Boy Scouts
2008 NH Primary
Bush's visit to the Middle East will...
i'm scared
Stop This Incessant Blathering
Google search tricks
Better than the Sheryl Crow version
ok, really just You Tubin' but this is pretty funny
Windows Home Server Propaganda
Scandinavian opera weirdness
Best Of Rideside
Fade to Black (Monk Time)
2008 AFC Divisional Playoff "A"
I lost $12.58.
back in the magazine saddle again
Links Today 2008-01-12
Warning: Fagen Content Ahead
R.E.M. Immersion #1: 'Chronic Town' (1982)
Is This French House?
Marc Ambinder is not Charlie Rose
Eric in the Evening Appreesh
CPFLM(@)T 1/14-5/08
The Origins Of No Wave
Fantasy Baseball
Official Asia Thread
Superbowl 42 = Pat vs. Packers
Next (Making) Monday (Tuesday):
best use of the internet, ever
if not for you...
End of Radio - Show# 26 Thursday January 10th 2007 8:00-10:00pm
End of Radio - Show# 27 Thursday January 17th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
AFC Division Championship
Hitler the Cowboy's Fan
Renovations at The Model
Cover of WGBH Magazine Feb '08
R.E.M. Immersion #2 -- "Murmur" (1983)
CPFLM(@)T 1/21-2/08
Heath Ledger RIP
Links Today 2008-01-22
This is a personal message for MF DU.
RIP Brad Renfro
Links Today 2008-01-23
The 40 Worst Rob Liefield Drawings
Nuke Rideside!
Chelsea on Fire
See also: Fagen.
The Vader Sessions
Anyone own a belt sander?
Maddie's MLK Day @ Museum Of Science
End of Radio - Show# 28 Thursday January 24th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
We all chipped in and got you this for your wedding.
Official RS.N Lurker Thread.....
R.E.M. Immersion #3 -- "Reckoning" (1984)
Official Super Bowl thread
CPFLM(@)T 1/28-9/08
(Making) Next Monday (Tuesday) @ O'Brien's:
Get Well Card for David Yow
'Runnin With The Devil' w/ Minimal Distractions
03/29/08 - Boredoms @ the Paradise
New adventures in canned food
CTP, eat yer heart out!
I have to agree with the Herald on this one
He's not dead yet...
RIP Jeremy Beadle (of interest to our British friends)
Balls and all
My Videos are Finally Up!
SuperBowl 42 in Somerville
Internet Radio
"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
Dock Ellis Thread
Art tonight and all month at the CCAE
'Lost' Season 4 Thread
Casey at the bat!
R.E.M. Immersion #4 -- "Fables of the Reconstruction" (1985)
Super Bowl XLIII halftime show thread
tonight @o'briens
CPFLM(@)T 2/4-5/08
Pearls vs Slylock
Open Ballots
Good-Bye Body
Acho and the Bunnymen
Cleveland Check In
Black Sabbath: "Master of Reality"
Expected baby in CO
BTO Show, March 7.
RIP Sheldon Brown
2 Skinnee J's Immersion #1 -- "SuperMercado!" (1998)
For tgl
Tech question
For CC
For dyedon8
For 10D
For Pamsterdam
For Chippy
For Virtue
Player -- "Baby Come Back" (1977)
R.E.M. Immersion #5 --"Lifes Rich Pageant" (1986)
Playtime for Pamsterdam
McCain '08
CPFLM(@)T 2/11-12/08
Batch #15: ESB
The newest in new....
For Pamsterdam (The Reprise)
For those keeping track
New York Dolls Sat., at the Paradise
European and American Professional Sourdough Recipes
Dizzee Rascall / El-P Middle East May 11th 2008
For Rory: Mike Birbiglia on Comedy Central
metal machine music
CPFLM(@)T 2/18-9/08
R.E.M. Immersion #6 -- "Document" (1987)
Foo Fighters Drum Solo Last Night
Science Fair Experiments
BIPPP: French Synthwave 79-85
You Tubin': Tonight a Beatboxer Saved My Life.
Cross-Pollenization Creative Music Festival III
Rap: A pictoral
Thursday 2/28:
my s!@t don't work
mea culpa
Travis [hearts] Ed
R.E.M. Immersion #7 -- "Green" (1988)
worst week yet of '08
MMT tonight:
The Ghost of Tony Gold
CPFLM(@)T 2/25-6/08
Nels Cline on Saturday Night Live 03/01/08
You love Europe!
You love the U.S.
February 29th
2008 WBCN Rumble Thread
Lee "Scratch" Perry Apreesh Post
R.E.M. Immersion #8 -- "Out Of Time" (1991)
Nine Inch Nails: Ghosts I - IV
Of Neighborhood Exploration and Ticks
Has it really been FIVE YEARS?
Fantasy Baseball OK? ok.
Funniest MySpace Friend Request
CPFLM(@)T 3/3-4/08
'Process of Elimination'
Gary Gygax RIP
"the woman who works two jobs without health care"
Klosterman + McLaughlin
Moses was a stoner
The Long Tail
On Broadway
Ugly American
This one's for pchippy
Reflections on a year in the colonies - a party
The Puzzler
Official Belated Kasimir S. Pulaski Day
Fun fact for MF DU and dyedon8
Roy Scheider RIP
Another arcane-to-the-Northeast Shellac tour
End of Radio - Show# 30 Thursday February 14th 2007 8:00-9:00pm (Partial UMASS Basketball Premption)
End of Radio - Show# 31 Thursday February 28th 2007 9:00-10:00pm (UMASS Basketball Premption for week of 2/21/08 )
dupe posts drool
End of Radio - Show# 32 Thursday March 6th 2007 8:00-10:00pm
NYTimes.com: Geek Love
R.E.M. Immersion #9 -- "Automatic For The People" (1992)
Bledsoe post-NFL content
CPFLM(@)T 3/10-1/08
Your 2008 Expletive Greys:
4/28/78: A recap
Yeah, so that happened.
Costume Ideas
History of my neighborhood
03/25/08 Japan
Olympics 2008: Ideally this would be a poll question...
2008 World Cup
Do The Test
Night Ranger
Empty Gesture
I Agree With Dick Cheney
R.E.M. Immersion #10 -- "Monster" (1994)
Second Annual rs.n NCAA Bracketology
Gilbert O'Sullivan Happy St. Patrick's Day
CPFLM(@)T 3/17-8/08
Lover or Fighter?
RIP Arthur C. Clarke
Read The Bulletin!
Celtics Magic Number
Stuff White People Like
Weibels wobble, but they don't fall down
Posing for The Man
Peter Ahern video
R.E.M. Immersion #11 -- "New Adventures In Hi Fi" (1996)
Chunklet wins again
RIP Neil Aspinall
Rival Daily Comic
CPFLM(@)T 3/24-5/07
Game #1
G2: Boston, Oakland
Straight outta Hillywood
Because the board is quiet.
The Onion
cEVIN kASH apreesh
Keef = possibly the best interview subject ever
R.E.M. Immersion #12 -- "Up" (1998)
CPFLM(@)AFD 3/31-4/1/08
Speaking of the F4TR
Bye Bob
BTO plays Lolita's Lovefest, April 12
"The Safety Factory Is... It's Unsafe"
Construction debris
Why The Internet Is Great
Dear Father Christmas Trouser Press...
friends looking for housing on the red line
The Kinks
Should I Trade?
hey conorclockwise
maiden voyage
Okay, You Can Have My Rifle Now!
R.E.M. Immersion #13 -- "Reveal" (2001)
...do you have iced tea?
CPFLM(@)T 4/7-8/07
Did Anyone See This
Too bad they're not the wingnuts
I don't mean to depress you, but...
Oh how far we've come...
Speaking of Toronto...
I don't mean to opress you, but...
Food to avoid
Black Flag: The HAIR.
Photo in a show
Bruins vs. Canadiens on Tue.
Nu school hip hop
Batch #16: ESB
Car Trouble
CPFLM(@)T 4/14-5/08
The future of the music industry is in dated t-shirts
Happy Tax Day
Who brought the cool kid?
R.E.M. Immersion #14 -- "Around The Sun" (2004)
Sprinkle Brigade
Elevator to Hell
Yes? Yes?
G16: Red Sox, Yankees
The Roots do The Colbert Report
Serious music question for school....
All-Purpose NBA Finals thread
How much art can you take?
"My Beautiful Mommy"
Happy Passover 2008
Neil Hamburger
Baseball milestones
yo momma
Brush yr. shoulders off.
R.E.M. Immersion #15 -- "Accelerate" (2008)
Happy Birthday, Elizabeth II
RIP, John Marzano
R.I.P. Ozzie Cadena
Cartograms are fun
Dire Tune
Free Sailing
CPFLMM(@)T 4/21-2/08
This one's for pamsterdam
Not Candlepin
What you're overhearing in your cubicle right now
G22: Red Sox, Angels
SRO @ Fenway
Hot August Night
Savor the irony
R.I.P. Don Gillis
Stop motion piano and drums
Hey guys... I have a completely original political idea!
This is a public service announcement!
Seeking Modern Media Assistance/Advice
What were you listening to 15 years ago?
Midnight Movie @ H3W 5/3-4/08
Home Improvement
New Nephew
15-year-olds, dude
Les Savy Fav appreesh
CPFM(@)T 4/28-9/08
Cellar Door
Red Sox batting stances
Top 5 greatest fictional movie characters
Left coast concerts
Another sign of the apocalypse
Dude in the year 2012 the poles are going to shift here's how you can survive!
Road Rage
Brazil v Venezuela, NE Revolution v. Dallas Double Header June 6
Iron Man
McEnroe at Agganis
Garbage Island
Robert Smith's Schedule
CPFLM(@)T 5/5-6/08
Yankees suck!
John Cage on "What's my Line?"
Silver Apples
A series of tubes.
Don't make a peep!
C4 to your door this Saturday and next Friday
The "I Hate Julio Lugo Thread"
Right around the corner
Reissue Alert
Community Garden, 1 year post massacre.
Dear Greg Maddux:
"Great tits cope well with warming"
Video Games Circa 1978
Bob Barr: Libertarian juggernaut
Kudos to the Globe
Say it ain't so!
Replacements Immersion #1 -- "Sorry Ma, Forgot To Take Out The Trash" (1981)
CPFLM(@)T 5/12-13/08
The Cure @ Agganis Arena 5/12/08
Birthday party
Whoa - Restaurant review Day
Sparkling Water and Beer
The kids will have their say!
RIP Robert Rauschenberg
My kind of Rocket Man
Cast Iron Plant
Tampa Bay??!?!??!?
Happy Birthday, MC!!
would you like some skinny APC jeans?
RIP Robert Mondavi
Not-so-dark secrets of BQ
You made me question my presuppositions.
Replacements Immersion #2 -- "Stink" (1982)
Finish her off with SEX MOVES!
No Hits
ID - Review
CPFLM(@)T 5/19-20/08
Teddy Kennedy has brain cancer
socially inappropriate humor rears its rather fine-looking head
You know your houseguest is English when...
big bear
All-purpose best athlete-turned-actor debate thread
I am sitting next to someone in a cafe who is playing video games and talking on the phone
Replacements Immersion #3 -- "Hootenany" (1983)
CPFLM(@)T 5/26-27/08
Rainstorm ahoy!
All-purpose Stanley Cup finals thread...
White Glove Gallery
Uncontacted tribe photgraphed
Black Lips
Steinski appreciation post.
East Machias River Trip 2008
Replacements Immersion #4 -- "Let It Be" (1984)
Hey Pamsterdam!
From the NYTimes (dead tree version)
Bo Diddley, R.I.P.
Poetic Justice?
CPFLM(@)T 6/2-3/08
Comedy R.I.Ps
Name the cows
2008 AL East Standings
MF DU's dream job
No New York
Hey James Shields:
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday June 5th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
for the football fans
Who wishes they could go to NYC this weekend
Introducing North Shore Music Theatre's 2008 recipient for Best Music Direction
Replacements Immersion #5 -- "The Shit Hits The Fans" (1985)
Holy shit! The Mummies reunite!
Batch #17: IPA
Harpoon Fest
well it made me giggle
Dear Ken Griffey Jr......
CPFLM(@)T 6/9-10/08
I want candy!
RIP Grecian Yearning
can I just say...
Video editing software
small plates
No fucking way.
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday June 12th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
The next chapter in the Clemens performance enhancement saga:
Replacements Immersion #6 -- "Tim" (1985)
0614 (2008)
blast-faxin', n boxin'
CPFLB(@)T 6/16-7/08 (MN:9*)
The Queers Tonight in Nashville
Two Wizards brawl at Middlesex Lounge
Upcoming shows at the Mideast, etc.
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday June 19th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
Sun Ra Apreesh Post
RIP George Carlin
Replacements Immersion #7 -- "Pleased To Meet Me" (1987)
CPFLM(@)T 6/23-4/08
travel advice needed
'Groundhog Day'
ok, hired!
Times New Viking roll call
Rock out Goteborg
f*cking majestic
As long as the weather ain't crazy
All-Purpose Euro2008 Thread
Replacements Immersion #8 -- "Don't Tell A Soul" (1989)
hands up who's proud to be from New Hampshire!
CPLFM(@)T 6/30-7/1/08 (MN: 7)
"I Got Construction Boots"
One record per year...
Thirth of July Weekend, Montreal: 7/3-6/08
Replacements Immersion #9 -- "All Shook Down" (1990)
Monday July 7th is Ringo Starr's birthday - everybody get drunk!
The Real Inspector Hound
CPFLM(@)T 7/7-8/08 (MN:6)
Ween thoughts?
Admit it, you're as bored as I am
Sox thievery
wasp advice
From the archives.....
Aesop Rock does Killer Cereal
My new home
Breakfast Brawl
The wit and wisdom of Ozzie Guillen
Banksy = outed.
Fugazi Peel Sessions: 1988
To the Dude playing the bagpipes on Central Street...
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday July 10th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
CPFLBD(@)T 7/14-5/08 (MN: 5)
Campari Appreesh
"Group of the Millennium" to appear on the Colbert Report
Google yourself...you might get lucky.
15 Innings???
Calling CTP: I need a ride to a wedding.
CPFLM(@)T 7/21-2/08 (MN:4)
drummers = top athletes
Waiter Rant
Radiohead tickets for sale
Ticket Refund
"The Wire" with a laugh track
Red Sox standing room tix: Monday
Pitchfork Music Festival
Back Porch Conversation about Kiki's - 2 years ago
"Anything special on those pancakes?"
Happy Birthday Pamsterdam
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday July 24th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
Who wants to see Wire On Wed Oct 8th Middle East?
If you are completely out of your mind....
CPFLS(@)S - 26/7 july 2008
Rush is not a Rock Band
Jandek Immersion #1 -- "Ready For The House" (1978)
As You Like it
Utilize This Solution
CPFLM(@)T 7/28-9/08 (MN:3)
@ pamsterdam:
George Michael @ The Garden 7/27/08
Cops v. bikes in NYC
All the world's a stage...
DJ'ing @ River Gods 8/14/08
Looking for drummer
peregrination ftw.
Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap.
What are they called?
bye Manny
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday July 31st 2008 8:00-10:00pm
You Tubin'
Happy Birthday, Eli
The Onion Wins Again
Nick Drake Immersion #1 -- "Five Leaves Left" (1969)
CPFLM(@) T 8/4-5/08 (MN: 2)
Who is Clark Rockefeller?
Wait, do I feel pity for McCain?
Guided By Voices "Bee Thousand" (1994)
calling pchippy
Favre. What's the deal?
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday August 7th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
CPFLT(@)W - 5/6 august 2008
RTPotD: 1 - boston through philadelphia
RTPotD: 2 - philadelphia through milton, DE
RTPotD: 3 - milton, DE through asheville, NC
Nick Drake Immersion #2 -- "Bryter Layter" (1970)
2008 Olympics
amateur photographer needed so me and todd can get our website up
CPFLM(@)T 8/11-2/08 (MN:1[!])
public service announcement (possibly nsfw)
Cleveland give Sox the Byrd
Bert and Ernie speak the truth
Pies, Pigs and Perversion
Last night at work.....
RTPotD: 4 & 5 - asheville, NC
RTPotD: 6 - asheville, NC through chicago, IL
RTPotD: 7 - chicago, IL through minneapolis, MN
Anatomical Gifts
Front page on Boston.com!
Saxon: "Just Let Me Rock"
Bacon flowchart
Nick Drake Immersion #3 -- "Pink Moon" (1972)
CPFL(T)M(@)T 8/18-9/08
RTPotD: 8, 9, &10 - minneapolis, MN
RTPotD: 11 - minneapolis, MN to deadwood, SD
RTPotD: 12 - deadwood and surrounds, SD
long, but mostly worth it (NSFW)
show this saturday
For Mahatma and G Lib
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday August 21 2008 8:00-10:00pm
Congratulations Democrats
If you are in Boston on Monday 8/25 - we are rocking.
Obama the antichrist?
Back to Beantown
Boycott Expedia, please
All-Purpose 2008 NFL Season Thread
I'm DJing tonight at the Model
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday August 28 2008 8:00-10:00pm
For Mahatma, jbcardinale and DyedOn:
Labor Day 2008 Red Sox DL List
McCain's Miers
Congrats MC!
Samuel: (Almost) Discography
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday September 04 2008 8:00-10:00pm
McCain's Walter Reed
Pixies - Debaser
What is this -- some Earth fruit?
Large Hadron Collider might create Dr. Who like results
Dear BORIS , the Bug and Trent Reznor:
GZA, Mission of Burma at Newbury Comics
Q this week
9/26, BTO! Tyler DerryBerry (of Ho-ag) and his Gameboy project! 80 Border St. Cultural Exchange
My Bum Knee
TS Hanna
Wuss Rock
Red Sox anyone?
Annual housekeeping thread
Happy Friday Y'All
"no one puts Papelbon in the corner"
Sam Rivers tonight at the ICA
Pop County Website Launch!
RIP David Foster Wallace
Send 'em in!
Richard Wright - Pink Floyd - RIP
Missing Polls
Wait a sec while I get my batting gloves...
Socialism Now!
Keeping Mondays Mondays
On Elitism
I Need December Plane Tickets To England
Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene
Happy Birthday Respectless
Nomination: Cover Song Of The Year
If ya aint got nuttin' planned for dis evening
MNF roll call
A little something for both sides of the aisle
vegetarian restaurants
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday September 18 2008 8:00-10:00pm
Bush has Balls
RIP Yankee Stadium.
The Big Burrito radio spot
Talking Heads Immersion #1: "Talking Heads '77" (1977)
A cry for help!
No gas for the greedy
Big Burrito #1: 9/22/08
The Way We Were: Boston in the 70s
My first post from my iPod
Repost: 'Vowel Movement'
260 Clash bootlegs
"God or Julie" @ TT the Bears tonight Sept. 24th
Dear (insert title here)......
Here's One for C4[RT]
Kimbo Slice Interview
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday September 25 2008 8:00-10:00pm
anger management (NSFW)
Critical Points From the First Presidential Debate
The Gits (2008)
RIP Paul Newman
Cometbus #51
Talking Heads Immersion #2 -- "More Songs About Buildings And Food" (1978)
Hear Ye Obama Supporters
Big Burrito #2: 9/29/08
Protecting the public interest in any economic "bailout"
file sharing
MLB 2008 Playoffs Thread
dyedon8 and i are apparently safe; anyone else?
Dear Science apreesh
Renewed Mind
Bob Pollard/Boston Spaceships Apreesh
"The craziest guy at a Fugazi concert."
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday October 02 2008 8:00-10:00pm
in defense of hippies
2008 Dungeon Rock Day
Mark Wahlberg Talks To Animals
Batch #18: IPA
and england is dreaming
Talking Heads Immersion #3 -- "Fear of Music" (1979)
Big Burrito #3: 10/6/08
'That One' for President
zomg, Hugh Hefner dumped my favorite of his 3 girlfriends!
2008 Statewide Ballot Questions
End of Radio - Thursday, 2008-10-09, 20:00:00-22:00:00
WBUR 3-4 today!!!
Tutorial, please
Asobi Seksu & Others on Sat. at T.T.'s
Pome-based zymurgy
Where's "Remain In Light"?
Talking Heads Immersion #4 -- "Remain In Light" (1980)
Key Points from the Last Presidential Debate (Aught Eight)
End of Radio - Thursday, 2008-10-16, 20:00:00-22:00:00
Hey, TGL
Bill T Miller Immersion #1 -- "OBE Call Now!" (1990)
Talking Heads Immersion #5 -- "The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads" (1982)
Official MLB 2008 World Series thread
In Color 1997
I'm DJing at The Model on Wednesday night.
Big Burrito #4: 10/20/08
Reminds me of...
Pipeline tonight!
RIP Rudy Ray Moore
Flaming Lips - Everybody wants to live forever
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday October 23 2008 8:00-10:00pm
America's Hardest Drinking Cities
Big Burrito #5: 10/27/08
Dead tree editions (emphasis "dead")
Talking Heads Immersion #6 -- "Speaking In Tongues" (1983)
Craig Ferguson's Punk Week
Seen on the Common
RIP Gerard Damiano, director of Deep Throat
View from my studio, October 28th 5:13pm
Official 2008/09 NBA Thread
Official 2008 US Elections Thread
RUN-DMC -- Vinyl Alert
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday October 30 2008 8:00-10:00pm
RIP Frank Navetta
B-Side Lounge Closing Tonight - November 2, 2008!
Talking Heads Immersion #7 -- "Stop Making Sense" (1984)
Big Burrito #6: 11/3/08
Boston ASAP!
Election FAQ
Cambridge, MA - 5th Nov. 2008
What's next for GOP?
Dear Barack Obama:
I'm performing a few Boston shows in November if you're interested.
Put the Fire Back
Da Globe.
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday November 6th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
Batch #19: Hard Cider
Leave It
Talking Heads Immersion #8 -- "Little Creatures" (1985)
Batch #20: Belgian Tripel
Big Burrito #7: 11/10/08
Farewell, Shreve Crump & Low Building
olbermann goes off on prop 8
So I dropped my phone in the bilge of my boat
R.I.P. Mitch Mitchell
Let's Go Masstodons!
Tuesday Nite Jazz-Noise-Drone Freakout
Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder: "Ebony and Ivory"
Thorns of Life
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday November 13th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
Kidnap that Fool
we like to party - we like, we like to party - MMT-style, yo
Beatles to release 'lost' song (Carnival of Light)?
Tequila is a girl's best friend
What's This Technorati
Big Burrito #8 -- 11/17/07
Scrappy Kid Wins 2008 AL MVP
Andy Kaufman: "I Trusted You"
The Show That I'm Doing Tonight at Mass Art
Out of Town News closing down
The end of the Coco Crisp Era
What about the squirrels?
Deerhoof, Deerhunter, The Dears. What's up with all these band names.
PAMN - Monday, November 24th
Big Burrito #9: 11/24/08
here's my fame, where's my fortune
CPFLPAMN - 17 nov. 2008
From my buddy Sal, re: toll hikes
Is it too late to throw out some congratulations here?
The Dirtbombs -- "Ultraglide in Black" (2001)
Black Friday
PAMN - Monday, December 1st
Nice Tomatoes!
Life List
Big Burrito #9.5: 12/1/08
Talking Heads Immersion #9 -- True Stories (1986) -AND - #10 --Naked (1988)
Never trust a skinny chef.
6 or 7 Popes
CPFLPAMN - December 1st, 2008
How many beers would you guesstimate you've consumed?
Starring Ben Kingsley as......
alphabet soup
MFDU, if yer not already aware of it...
Reams of reggae ransacked
Joan Jett excitement!
Thanks for the Memories Greg Maddox
Who the hell let Giuliani loose on MY city, damn it?!
dirty pants and men in lipgloss, or: I love SNL
Big Burrito #10 : 12/8/08
All me, all the time
seven levels of christmas
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday December 4th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
more adolescent humor - NSFW
We Are All Scientists
RIP Bettie Page
9 working days left
Big Burrito #11: 12/15/08
PAMN - Monday, December 15th
see you in 09
Jello Biafra's open letter to Barack Obama
a very boston new years
Muppet? or 18th-century New Englander?
Rock Over London; Rock On, Chicago!
David Lee Roth 'Runnin With The Devil' Soundboard
Hitler's friends won't want to come to his birthday party if there's NO CAKE!
2008 music wrap-up
Pitchfork's Top Fifty Tracks of 2008
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday December 18th 2008 8:00-10:00pm
All in the timing
More blogs!
i would totally fuck her!
For the Boxing day Rugby club fancy dress party, i am going as...
We're rocking out next Friday 1/2/09 if you are interested...
RIP Freddie Hubbard
Making 2008 2009
What I learned in 2008
phone = gone. (please send contact info)
The 100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs
First Day of the Season
Holy Fuck
RIP Ron Asheton
Uncle Jay sings the news
For Duncan and whatever Epoises is calling himself nowadays
Merriweather Post Pavilion
Hey, I think I know this guy.
WZBC Top 17
Corby's Comedy Corner - week 1
Big Burrito #12: 1/12/09
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday January 8th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Dear Jim Rice:
HST Motivational Posters
Dear 'The Edge':
This made me chuckle
Inflatable street art
1st week at work, Waltham
Obama article circa his Columbia years.
Doc Dart
RIP Ricardo Montalban
Moby Dick is Dead
High and Outside
Thurston & Mats
David Lynch In Israel
Gaza - a personal story
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday January 15th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
The 2009 Inauguration
Introducing the Wunder Boner
Which liar deserves jail time more: The Rocket or Gonzo?
64 Bit Technology
"The Shelf", redux
Big Burrito #13: 1/19/09
Hockey anyone?
Historians, rejoice!
With Apologies to Conor Clockwise, It's the Lost Season 5 thread.
on karaoke
Filthy Habits
Spilled coffee on my keyboard
BTO on Chronicle - 01/27
The Living End
What Do Women Want? - warnings: possibly NSFW, most assuredly academic
Big Burrito #14: 1/26/09
Bad Brains Documentary
Black Crack +1
R.I.P. John Updike
playing records tomorrow at the model
RIP John Updike
New Mastodon
CCC - week 2
Varitek's Offer
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday January 29th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
The Living End #1 --1/30/09
2009 river trip
We're playing with the dude from The F.U.'s on Saturday
Big Burrito #15: 2/2/09
Day The Snow Came - Britain Stopped
Neon and Harleys and Golf Clubhouse Mansions, Oh My!
RIP Lux Interior
The Living End #2: 2/6/09
Graffiti n' stuff
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday February 5th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Punk photography
Doody Humor
Photographer needed
Big Burrito #16: 2/9/09
Necco please!
Straight outta New Jersey!
Interesting Zine article
Miriam's back on Rideside!
Circle 7 Radio
Put The Bone In
in bondage to masturbation? (audio potentially NSFW)
New England Boat Show
Laughed so hard I almost peed my pants
Throbbing Gristle NYC
Mullholland Drive Explained
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday February 12th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Mmm, bacon.
Big Burrito #17: 2/16/09
PDay Y2009
Feb 2009 John Zorn Interview on WNYC
How long will it take YOU to earn Teixiera's annual salary.
I'm doing spoken word and Kevin from 7 Seconds (and others) are playing acoustic - AWESOME!
RIP Touch and Go Records
Friendly Toast 2.0
CCC - week whatever
The Living End #3: 2/20/09
This is what the internet is for!! (when your bored with pr0n)
Big Burrito #18: 2/23/09
Chart stolen straight from Yglesias
NYU Food Liberation Front
Playing Records tomorrow at The Model
He's a very good speaker.
Faith No More reuniting
The Road
Richard Jenkins
T'interweb is boring
Batch #21: Mild Ale
The Living End #4 -- 2/27/09
Mind Blinderz fill in (End of Radio - Show# ____?)Friday February 27th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Inauguration party (cute baby content)
We're playing a Breast Cancer benefit on Sunday (ALL AGES)
Mickey Rourke Acceptence Speech
French techno meets 80's science fiction
Gimme Your Badge And Your Gun #2: 3/5/09
New ISIS 05.05.2009
Watchman Carpooling
Music for you chill cats....
that time of year again...
This is completely amazing
Fat Duck - they'll never bounce back from this, will they?
Charles Bronson (maybe NSFW)
new DM video
Grocery Shopping, Man-Style
The Watchmen - our view from Spaceship Virtue
Baseball, rideside style!
Hey Duncan!
Sean C. Lawrence 1979-2009 RIP
Movie trilogy thread
MassArt takes home the Green... er, Gold!
New Gig!
A partial list of items retrieved from my grandmother's house
BTO spring shows
Now That Miriam is back on the board in full force, do we:
the end of winter
Death ... For the Whole World to See
Rideside Bracketology 2009
Big Burrito #19 -- 3/16/09
I Can Quit Anytime I Want, Redux
The Grady Awards
Waiting for Detroit to hit.
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday March 19th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
The Living End #5 -- 3/20/09
Right Barrack at Ya
my brother could kick Obama's ass in candlepin
This house is clean
"Duncan, you need to self-promote more."
Like punk, but a car. And Lost.
Big Burrito #20 -- 3/23/09
2009 Rumble picks
sometimes I love the world
Rideside Fantasy Baseball draft...
Me and MTV - for G
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday March 26th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
(Kim Thayil + Matt Cameron + Ben Shepherd - Chris Cornell) + Tad Doyle = TADgarden
W0: Rideside Baseball Inc. Draft Results
For Sale: Nice Home in Lynn
Anybody need a roommate?
I like ale. Do you like ale?
Your 2009 Expletive Greys:
Mike Watt And The Missingmen @ TT's 5/6
Big Burrito #21 -- 3/30/09
Maurice Sendak goes big screen
Dear Bill Simmons:
Digitizing TV shows?
Mathworker Honeypot
William Spencer
End of Radio - Show# 78 Thursday April 2nd 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Y2009 MLB
Dear Matt Clement:
Songs about trees
Big Burrito #22 -- 4/6/09
For ConorClockwise
Thought So
Harold and Kumar Gobama
W1: Tasters vs. La Vitrioleuse
End of Radio - Show# 79 Thursday April 9th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Join Or Die.
Why is this night unlike other nights?
The Living End #6 -- 4/10/09
Saturday afternoon Copley drinks
House of Blues interactions
Big Burrito #23 -- 4/13/09
Job chaos!
the gong show
Those Fabulous 60's
End of Radio - Show# 80 Thursday April 16th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
I Love Beards
All-Purpose 2009 NBA Finals thread
The Living End #7
Dear C4[RT]: Can I borrow your time travel equipment on 6/04/09?
RIP J.G. Ballard
wbcn rumble finals
I have a lot of new records! Come hear some of them on Wednesday!
G13: Orioles at Red Sox
Big Burrito #24 -- 4/20/09
Nasal Sex!
love to hate on hipsters?
RIP April 18th
Fugazi: In On The Kill Taker (Steve Albini Demos)
Earth Day 2009:
End of Radio - Show# 81 Thursday April 16th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Pay the Piper
Dear Kason Gabbard:
John Peels 50 all time favourite songs
The Living End #8: 4/24/09
50 Years of Dance Music
Speaking of dancing shoes...
RIP, Bea Arthur
The Big Burrito #25 -- 4/27/09
Rip It Up and Start Again with Hank
Buraka Som Sistema
Dangersparkle Pop LynchHorse
There is no medicine for regret
snoutbreak '09
Got to give it up (for CC)
End of Radio - Show# 82 Thursday April 30th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Souter Out
Art Show Tonight (May 1)
Sunday sunrise
Sluttering (May 4th) at the Model.
Neutral Milk Hotel saves Hull Carousel
Kurt Vile?
RIP Jack Kemp
RIP Dom DeLuise
I (Plane) New York
End of Radio - Show# 83 Thursday May 7th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Crop Report
Free Qui for an email address
the place to dig the rock that burns
Iggy le crooner
Why we love the ACLU
Big Burrito #26 -- 5/11/09
Movers/shakers needed
low cunning
"a small number of individuals"
Invite to a bachelor party I cannot attend
End of Radio - Show# 84 Thursday May 14th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Another 10th floor sunrise
Insane Clown Posse: 'Homies'
The Pride of Newmarket
Jaw Dropping
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