I'm hoping to use <a href=http://www.bangitout.com/BangitoutSederSidekick2008.pdf>this</a> on Sunday night with my family!
Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-04-18 11:10:52 +0000
One of the most entertaining things I've read for a while, Mir - thank you!
Posted by pchippy on 2008-04-18 11:18:36 +0000
Regret the lack of a Miriam seder up here.
Mir, do you think when you get to the end of the hagadah this time round, you can say under your breath not "Next year in Jerusalem!" but "Next year in Massachusetts!"?
Posted by Miriam on 2008-04-18 14:52:30 +0000
I will definitely consider it!
If we do it up there again, I've got lots of tried and true recipes I can dole out to make it a little more manageable. Potluck may be the way to go.
I'm hosting my family for the second night, and I'm sure it won't be nearly the same as all the wonderful seders with y'all in Boston. For one thing, they won't drink nearly as much wine!
Mir, do you think when you get to the end of the hagadah this time round, you can say under your breath not "Next year in Jerusalem!" but "Next year in Massachusetts!"?
If we do it up there again, I've got lots of tried and true recipes I can dole out to make it a little more manageable. Potluck may be the way to go.
I'm hosting my family for the second night, and I'm sure it won't be nearly the same as all the wonderful seders with y'all in Boston. For one thing, they won't drink nearly as much wine!