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throwing shoes since '04
CPFLM(@)AFD 3/31-4/1/08
Speaking of the F4TR
Bye Bob
BTO plays Lolita's Lovefest, April 12
"The Safety Factory Is... It's Unsafe"
Construction debris
Why The Internet Is Great
Dear Father Christmas Trouser Press...
friends looking for housing on the red line
The Kinks
Should I Trade?
hey conorclockwise
maiden voyage
Okay, You Can Have My Rifle Now!
R.E.M. Immersion #13 -- "Reveal" (2001)
...do you have iced tea?
CPFLM(@)T 4/7-8/07
Did Anyone See This
Too bad they're not the wingnuts
I don't mean to depress you, but...
Oh how far we've come...
Speaking of Toronto...
I don't mean to opress you, but...
Food to avoid
Black Flag: The HAIR.
Photo in a show
Bruins vs. Canadiens on Tue.
Nu school hip hop
Batch #16: ESB
Car Trouble
CPFLM(@)T 4/14-5/08
The future of the music industry is in dated t-shirts
Happy Tax Day
Who brought the cool kid?
R.E.M. Immersion #14 -- "Around The Sun" (2004)
Sprinkle Brigade
Elevator to Hell
Yes? Yes?
G16: Red Sox, Yankees
The Roots do The Colbert Report
Serious music question for school....
All-Purpose NBA Finals thread
How much art can you take?
"My Beautiful Mommy"
Happy Passover 2008
Neil Hamburger
Baseball milestones
yo momma
Brush yr. shoulders off.
R.E.M. Immersion #15 -- "Accelerate" (2008)
Happy Birthday, Elizabeth II
RIP, John Marzano
R.I.P. Ozzie Cadena
Cartograms are fun
Dire Tune
Free Sailing
CPFLMM(@)T 4/21-2/08
This one's for pamsterdam
Not Candlepin
What you're overhearing in your cubicle right now
G22: Red Sox, Angels
SRO @ Fenway
Hot August Night
Savor the irony
R.I.P. Don Gillis
Stop motion piano and drums
Hey guys... I have a completely original political idea!
This is a public service announcement!
Seeking Modern Media Assistance/Advice
What were you listening to 15 years ago?
Midnight Movie @ H3W 5/3-4/08
Home Improvement
New Nephew
15-year-olds, dude
Les Savy Fav appreesh
CPFM(@)T 4/28-9/08
Cellar Door
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