Construction debris
This afternoon, I arrived home from work to find not only the expected empty trash and recycle bins, but also six trash bags of unknown origin (not ours!). Bright orange stickers saying "UNACCEPTED TRASH" were attached.
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That was not all. A "STOP WORK" sticker was affixed to our front door with what appears to be the strongest adhesive ever made. "Permit required," says the sticker. "Construction debris will not be collected with trash."
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Closer examination of the bags revealed them to be filled with remnants of blue exterior shingles. I should make clear that we are doing no construction work, have no debris, and in fact have no access to blue shingles. Someone apparently decided that <b>I</b> should be the one who pays to have this shit taken away.
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But, wait, didn't I see a blue house getting its shingles replaced on Monday when I was walking back from Foodmaster? And, what's this, parked on Wyatt St.? Is that a Chevy van with Massachusetts license plate "9782 GZ", with a bag of construction debris next to it?
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And, is that van parked next to that same blue house I saw on Monday?
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And, is that house at 14 Wyatt St, Somerville, MA? And, do the shingles match perfectly with the ones dumped in front of my house?
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I will refrain from posting the owner's name here -- for all I know she hired people to do the job, and knows nothing of the dumping. But, someone is <b>so bagged</b>.
I admit to disposing of construction debris one garbage pail at a time over the past 12 weeks. This debris from the replacement of my <a href="">bulkhead</a>, which I undertook in the fall of '06. Any laws against aged construction debris?
Your place looks great.
Keep the shingles.
(Post phone numbers or it didn't happen.)
At least they put the sticker on the glass, and not on the painted wood of the door.