Seeking Modern Media Assistance/Advice
Two questions : 1. A 2 gig microsd card for my new phone costs about 10 bucks. No biggie. But do I even need it? I'm not much of a photo taker, and the only mp3s I would add would be for a ringtone. Also, I'm assuming I would have to get a usb cable to connect my phone to my computer, or get an adapter for the microsd card, if I wanted to manipulate files for ringtone purposes. That sounds like a pain in my ass. I sort of feel like my phone shouldn't require any effort or thought. I've got about 25k of memory on the phone at the moment.
2. My cousin started a facebook group (or something), Spawn of [plural of my dad's last name] for the cousins to keep in touch. But I'd have to sign up to facebook, which I've pretty deftly avoided (myspace, too). In fact, rideside is really my only involvement with web 2.0, and I'd like to keep it that way. All of this commercial use of my private data makes my inner ted nugent freak out. Do I set aside my fears and concerns and join with the new media bandwagon to maintain my social connections, or start scoping out cheap land for the new collective?
Everybody needs a “laptop interface for privacy, warmth, and concentration in public spaces.”
2. I avoid social networking, too, but have learned to work it because of BTO, and frankly, it's not that bad. I'll probably sign up for facebook one of these days, but will use it as a receptacle for other people's personal information to come to me, rather than me to display mine. Or, maybe I'll just hide behind BTO still?
And, IMHO, web schmoo point schmo is going to allow us to live on the farm and still work in our chosen fields. (although I only plan to work 1/3 time)
And #2, that is the best use of knitting I've seen since a guy I knew in college's grandma knitted him a coozy for his uzi.
(true story)
As for question #1, I use my phone for calls, text messages, the alarm clock, and the snake game. I honestly can't imagine using any other functionality. But that's me.
As for question #2...
I signed up to MySpace to support my creative friends, and I went through a phase of thinking that posting blogs and changing my status to say different things was alternately 'expressing my creativity' (ha) or letting friends know how I'm doing. Now I only visit it to see what my aforementioned creative friends are up to. Everyone else I e-mail. (edited to add that if I e-mail you, it doesn't mean I don't think you're creative)
I signed up to Facebook because my Euro friends were all doing it, and it seemed like a Rideside for my Euro gang. But then I realised that it's essentially MySpace with more varied content. So... yeah. After 6 months on Facebook I feel pretty much the same way about it as I do MySpace, which is how I felt about Friendster a few years ago (remember Friendster?). It all seems like garbage. Which I'm kind of addicted to. Like Coke Zero.
Basically, nothing is as good as Rideside. I can't praise tgl enough.