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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by pchippy on 2008-04-04 12:33:46 +0000

Dear Father Christmas Trouser Press...

I've been very good. Can I have two of <a href="http://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/producte/10001/-1/10001/244058/377%20710%201218%204294966526/43/Life%20Jackets/Primary%20Search/mode%20matchallpartial/0/0?N=377%20710%201218%204294966526&Ne=43&Ntt=Life%20Jackets&Ntx=mode%20matchallpartial&page=CategoryDisplayLevel1&isLTokenURL=true&storeNum=8&subdeptNum=106&classNum=12387">these</a>?

Not sure about the sizes...are those chest dimensions?

Also:how about paddling Sunday afternoon? Or are you busy?

Posted by Corby Trouser Press on 2008-04-04 19:50:29 +0000
I shall make it so Captain.

I have to work on Sunday, how about Saturday?

Posted by pchippy on 2008-04-05 12:05:06 +0000
Weather report doesn't look great for either day. But this afternoon is supposed to be mostly unrainy at least. We're going to the aquarium this morning, will probably be home by 2PM; if you wanted to come over, we could put in my boat at Constitution Beach, and maybe paddle up into the marsh.

It's short notice, though, so if you can't make it, I understand entirely.

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