Sprinkle Brigade
I was looking for a lolcat to describe my mood this morning using the search terms "lolcat" AND "toxic" or "bullshit" or "fuck you"
But then I found <a href="http://sprinklebrigade.com/">The Sprinkle Brigade,</a> and I feel much better.
<img src="http://sprinklebrigade.com/images/gallery/grandpa.jpg"></src>
Is there a polite way of asking someone if they're peeing & pooping outside their own front door or if they're being targeted & harrassed (without making them feel targeted or harrassed)? We suspect dementia, but maybe we should call the police in case someone's doing it to be cruel... Or am I being really Pollyanna about this?
G, I'm sorry it's been such a shit day. If you feel like 'unloading' on me, fire away at my gmail.
And WTF about your neighbor?
She isn't terribly old (wears wigs & tons of make-up, so hard to tell, really), maybe mid-60's?
The peeing and pooping outside her front door only started last week. I'm not sure whether to hope it's her or to hope it's a nasty little brat who lives in the 'hood and thinks it's funny to pull this on little old ladies.
edited to add:
One of the key-having neighbors appears to be the one who's been cleaning it up (recently having added a subtly-placed AirWick to our shared entry area). Maybe I should ask him about it...
In any case - yes. I shall inquire with the appropriate peeps. Regarding the poops. And pee(p)s.