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Posted by mr. mister on 2008-04-05 17:55:05 +0000

The Kinks

So I bought tickets to see Ray Davies on Sunday night at the Orpheum. If anyone wants to go let me know. I assume that he will play some old tunes. Apparently he has a solo album coming out this year. Should be a gas.

Posted by tommy on 2008-04-06 22:50:47 +0000
Tonight? Crap, I didn't know about this at all... and can't go now.

Full report, please.

Rock bands will come and rock bands will go, but rock and roll's gonna go on forever!

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/O2lcsVIYiio&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/O2lcsVIYiio&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Posted by mr. mister on 2008-04-07 13:30:06 +0000
Ray put on a good show. It took about five songs to warm up to the band that was backing him up. They looked like a scorpion cover band, but they kept it together. Ray was apparently shot in New Orleans. So his solo songs were about mainly about the working class of New Orleans. One song "tourist" was great. It was all worth it when he played sunny afternoon, tired of waiting, set me free, come dancing, all day and all of the night, lola and on and on. It was a long show! Something like 2 and a half hours. Ray was working a lot of jazz hands and seductive dancing for an old man. Good time.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-04-07 13:47:41 +0000
Love the Kinks. They were the first concert I ever went to (1988 at the UNH Field House with Amy - we told my parents Amy's dad was taking us and told her parents that my dad was taking us - bad kids!), and it was much the same as you describe. The opening band was a Canadian Ramones cover band, as I remember.

Ray got shot? Like, with a gun? Who the hell would shoot Ray Davies?!

Posted by tommy on 2008-04-07 16:10:40 +0000
Dave Davies?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-04-07 16:18:41 +0000
Tommy, that was the first belly-laugh I've had in ages. Thank you.

Posted by mr. mister on 2008-04-07 19:05:30 +0000
I guess someone mugged him in New Orleans. It might have been someone that was tired of hearing Lola. He did a real annoying chant thing in the middle of All Day and I got shot in the leg, where he would sing "day o" and we sand "day ay ay o" It totally killed the energy.

Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-04-08 17:23:11 +0000
Dude, total buzzkill.

Posted by MF DU on 2008-11-10 20:14:40 +0000
<a href="http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/news/147310-tv-eye-november-10-16">Tivo alert</a> 11/14/08 on Craig Ferguson's CBS late show...

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