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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by G lib on 2008-04-17 18:59:39 +0000

"My Beautiful Mommy"

<i>Acosta told Salzhauer that she wasn't sure how to talk to her son about the procedures she was considering. That's when he showed her the manuscript for his children's picture book, "My Beautiful Mommy" (Big Tent Books), out this Mother's Day. It features a perky mother explaining to her child why she's having cosmetic surgery (a nose job and tummy tuck). Naturally, it has a happy ending: mommy winds up "even more" beautiful than before, and her daughter is thrilled.</i>

<a href="http://www.newsweek.com/id/132240/page/1">more here</a>

Posted by virtue on 2008-04-17 23:06:04 +0000
<img src=http://www.bagophily.com/images/barfdetergent.jpg>

Posted by tgl on 2008-04-19 17:03:01 +0000
Great bit on "Wait.. wait.. don't tell me." today about how Joan Rivers reviewed the book for the NY Times Book Review. "If I could move my eyes, I'd read it."

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