Keef = possibly the best interview subject ever
I know I'm biased, but <a href="">damn</a>. I've never read an interview with him that hasn't been thoroughly entertaining.
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<strong>Do you think the Beatles are overrated?</strong>
Oh, definitely. So are we.
In that moment, the Beatles… But how can you—I mean yes. I’ll say yes. As a musician, yes. As a breath of fresh air and an injection of life into society, no, they were certainly not. They were exactly what was needed. It was a great enema.
<strong>What does that make you guys?</strong>
A great toilet bowl. [laughs]
<strong>At Mick’s gayest, how gay was he?</strong>
It was camp.
Yeah. It was all…I really have no idea if anyone ever shoved it up the shitter.