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throwing shoes since '04
2008 WBCN Rumble Thread
Lee "Scratch" Perry Apreesh Post
R.E.M. Immersion #8 -- "Out Of Time" (1991)
Nine Inch Nails: Ghosts I - IV
Of Neighborhood Exploration and Ticks
Has it really been FIVE YEARS?
Fantasy Baseball OK? ok.
Funniest MySpace Friend Request
CPFLM(@)T 3/3-4/08
'Process of Elimination'
Gary Gygax RIP
"the woman who works two jobs without health care"
Klosterman + McLaughlin
Moses was a stoner
The Long Tail
On Broadway
Ugly American
This one's for pchippy
Reflections on a year in the colonies - a party
The Puzzler
Official Belated Kasimir S. Pulaski Day
Fun fact for MF DU and dyedon8
Roy Scheider RIP
Another arcane-to-the-Northeast Shellac tour
End of Radio - Show# 30 Thursday February 14th 2007 8:00-9:00pm (Partial UMASS Basketball Premption)
End of Radio - Show# 31 Thursday February 28th 2007 9:00-10:00pm (UMASS Basketball Premption for week of 2/21/08 )
dupe posts drool
End of Radio - Show# 32 Thursday March 6th 2007 8:00-10:00pm
NYTimes.com: Geek Love
R.E.M. Immersion #9 -- "Automatic For The People" (1992)
Bledsoe post-NFL content
CPFLM(@)T 3/10-1/08
Your 2008 Expletive Greys:
4/28/78: A recap
Yeah, so that happened.
Costume Ideas
History of my neighborhood
03/25/08 Japan
Olympics 2008: Ideally this would be a poll question...
2008 World Cup
Do The Test
Night Ranger
Empty Gesture
I Agree With Dick Cheney
R.E.M. Immersion #10 -- "Monster" (1994)
Second Annual rs.n NCAA Bracketology
Gilbert O'Sullivan Happy St. Patrick's Day
CPFLM(@)T 3/17-8/08
Lover or Fighter?
RIP Arthur C. Clarke
Read The Bulletin!
Celtics Magic Number
Stuff White People Like
Weibels wobble, but they don't fall down
Posing for The Man
Peter Ahern video
R.E.M. Immersion #11 -- "New Adventures In Hi Fi" (1996)
Chunklet wins again
RIP Neil Aspinall
Rival Daily Comic
CPFLM(@)T 3/24-5/07
Game #1
G2: Boston, Oakland
Straight outta Hillywood
Because the board is quiet.
The Onion
cEVIN kASH apreesh
Keef = possibly the best interview subject ever
R.E.M. Immersion #12 -- "Up" (1998)
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