2008 WBCN Rumble Thread
Here we go:
April 6: Me and Joan Collins, Disappearer, Watts and Girls Guns & Glory.
April 7: Wild Zero, Andrea Gillis, Daniel Bon & Future Ghosts and Cortez.
April 8: Dirt Mall, the Shills, HUMANWINE and the Murder Mile.
April 10: Cheater Pint, Clouds, On the Drop and the Men.
April 11: Medicated Kisses, Hel Toro, the Great Bandini and Forgetful Jones.
April 12: Jason Bennett and the Resistance, A.K.A.C.O.D., Genuflect and Cherry S/T.
Also so much for that "band can't have been involved with a major label" rule. HUMANWINE's first CD was funded by Warner Bros.
A.K.A.C.O.D. sounds interesting, at least given their D.N.A., so to speak. And Clouds.
After Damian arrived, I remember very little. Something about brownies and pint glasses of gin & tonic. And, obviously, the cops.
Or was that not the infamous party?
Thank you, hh.
And this was the last time it was warm out, so like, July of 07?
Anyway, my picks to win it (based mostly on the bands' myspace pages, and a little on knowing how this contest usually plays out) are as follows:
Girls Guns And Glory, Cortez, HUMANWINE, The Men, The Great Bandini, and A.K.A.C.O.D.
In the case of HUMANWINE v.s. Having a Record Deal
We find HUMANWINE not-guilty of being signed to a Major Record Label or any other label besides their own.
HUMANWINE has had it's own record label called Nervous Relatives Records since 2001.
In 2004 Jac Holzman the founder of Elektra Records asked HUMANWINE to sign a deal with him that would grant
permission for him to sell HUMANWINE's songs for a 3 month time period for something like 90% of all the profits, basically to get our name out there. HUMANWINE granted "Cordless" (WMG) now on Ryko the rights for to sell 4 songs for a 3 month time frame. They renewed the contract once. After Cordless moved to Ryko in 2007. HUMANWINE decided not to renew another contract.
<a href="http://www.HUMANWINE.org/RUMBLE">HUMANWINE.org/RUMBLE</a>
<i>Don't take this shit so fucking seriously!</i>
Sure, try and win it or go as far as you can cuz the loot and prizes always help struggling bands. But posting on each and every message board to clear your name (while I don't think anybody on this board was dissing you in the first place) is a task similar to tilting at windmills. It's just not worth it. Besides, should you win the whole shooting match, there won't be enough hours in the day to fight all the new haters you'll have accrued. Ask Adam Glasseye or Brian Doll, they know. <i>I</i> know. It'll be inevitable.
Now Dirt Mall and the Shills are terrible bands, so do your best to beat the Murder Mile, will you?
Quality website you put together for the other bands, too. Nice sportsman-like touch.
<img src="http://www.otherlandtoys.co.uk/images/horn800.jpg">
However, I am sure he and the rest of us enjoy new members' comments. I did lights for you guys last year at a venue in Allston, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole shebang.
Welcome to rs.n.
And 4th to 8th grades as well? Spooky!
Too bad, too...I really wanted to play in the youth orchestra in town. C'est la vie!
I'll bite - what IS the difference between playing the French Horn and pissing your pants?
2) You won't be out of breath after pissing yourself.
...either way the floor directly under you gets wet. Remember the drool-drain?
<i>Apologies for the really disgusting commercial which precedes the horn bit.</i>
<i>Ed.: can't stand this video</i>
But strangely I couldn't find any other video clips about spit valves...
Take yourself out of your comfortable one-way glass of the world that is virtual and imagine someone was posting on a site that you were cheating on your girlfriend/boyfriend or that you raped their sister/brother. What do you do? Do you take the few minutes to post the facts or do you "play it cool" and ignore that it even happened? to us, it's simple, we take a few minutes to post the truth because it's easy and it's the truth.
As far as this whole spam, tooting our own horn bit goes...We walked into a post that was conveying a common message of disinformation about this year's Rumble. As bearers of the current information we posted our Rumble fact sheet page.
When you're D.I.Y you use every opportunity to tell folks about what you're up to. We like to do things thoroughly around here and do it ourselves. We do all our own promotion. We don't hire a publicity firm to make us look like the cool kids who just get "written about" all the time, we hit the boards and the streets and we're following a long tradition of bands who have done it before us. Grassroots organizing is not "un-cool". It's actually very awesome.
It might seem like the "cool thing" act like you don't care about anything but we're all about honesty over here. We are honestly excited to learn about the Rumble and the bands that are in it especially this year, because we are in it. The bands must be excited about it or they wouldn't have accepted the invitation from WBCN. That's we we created a comprehensive page for the event. Honesty is cool.
We're not looking for people to agree with our songs and our lifestyle at all, it's just still somehow surprise how low the bar is when it comes to bratty chatters. To the grown-ups here. Thanks for being real. We appreciate the warmth rather than the 3rd grade style catty chat board crap that only continues to separate us and prove how serious insecurities can muddle an issue.
<i>Ed.: almost as bad as the spit valve video</i>
<img src="http://www.houseoflol.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/exc_tat03.jpg" /></p>
I felt guilty after my first round of wisecracks after reading Conor et. al's well stated arguments of being inclusive and welcoming new members to our rideside community, but after Humanwine's latest content, I am mad at myself for distrusting my first impulse which was the correct one.
The internet is a big place man, if you don't like our site, please go give WBCN.com or the noise board some more hits.
It's fun to slam new members, (We all know I've done a shitload of it, like when I nailed Duncan Wilder J, yet MF DU said, 'welcome to rs.n') but I'm trying to tone it down a bit.
When I said: "so much for that 'band can't have been involved with a major label' rule," that was an indictment on WBCN; not you guys. It's not like the Rumble's entirely perfect. Bleu won because Oedipus, WBCN's station director, helped Bleu get a record contract with Columbia, and they needed a Rumble win to make it look organic. The Sheila Divine were, for all intents and purposes, signed with a major label before they won (Roadrunner is owned by Warner Brothers). I asked Shred why you guys weren't in it last year, he said you weren't up for consideration because you're on a major label.
In short: there's no moral absolutes in a complex world! The only people who get worked up about the Rumble are those who are competing in it. Lord knows, I went to every night to scout out the bands we went up against. Adam Glasseye did the same thing. Big deal. It didn't help us either way as both our bands lost the semis -- which proves the only wild card in these contests are the judges.
Being in a band is fucking hard enough. Worrying about what people say about you on messageboards is just making it harder. You guys are great. My fiancee bought your CD when we did one of those shows together. Now, you made it to the money round; chill out and have a pizza or something.
...I've been friends with most people on this board for at least 10-15 years. The ones I don't know well are friends of those friends - so, people I trust. While I live with the fact that this is the internet and any old yahoo can read my "ha ha aren't we silly" and "omg I love this album" conversations with y'all, I feel distinctly uncomfortable with someone who is not a dear friend or a friend of a dear friend posting on here, especially if it's to say "I'm so much awesomer and cooler than you and your lame friends are". And our stupid hair is so '82. I mean - fuck off.
G lib, all of the above.
Thanks for your honesty. It is obvious you are a family, it admirable, keep tight.
We were doing a search on our name one night and your board came up. We figured we would try to clear things up.(by giving links to the bands that were playing in the rumble.
We won't be bugging you any more.
For ze finals: I've got HUMANWINE, The Great Bandini and A.K.A.C.O.D.
I know 2/3rds of A.K.A.C.O.D. is Morphine and they got this sort of butchy lead singer, but I mean, seriously guys. Isn't there anything sacred anymore than doing this Grade Z impersonation of your previous band? You didn't stop to think for like two seconds, maybe we should add a guitar or a keyboard or something? Nope, it's still 2 string bass, sax and drums. Mark Sandman at least had charisma and memorable melodies.
GGG played it real safe. Though the did play both types of music: country <i>and</i> western. Nothing particularly memorable about the set, save for the pedestrian cover of "Folsom Prison Blues."
The Great Bandini had hooks, looked like they were a rock band, had more than a couple songs, but never really left that "Big Star" zone. The nebulous area where you totally eat up the competent/pretty music as you're listening to it, but you walk away from it wihtout any ability to remember any of the songs.
So it boiled down to this question -- Who do you want to listen to: Morphine, "Johnny Cash" (quotes because GGG was absolutely nowhere close to being as good as the man in black), or Big Star? The answers to that are, of course: "I hardly ever to Morphine and Big Star." So GGG wins by default. Last night was the manifestation of the phenomenon of "rockabilly retirement;" the time when skins and punks get too old, discover pomade and music from the 1950s.