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Did anyone else know that K. Foulke is back with Oakland?
Posted by tgl on 2008-03-26 11:32:00 +0000
Florentino knocks in another, it's 5-1 Oakland.
Lester didn't have a very strong start... 4 innings, 5 hits, 4 runs
Posted by tommy on 2008-03-26 12:16:30 +0000
I tuned in to WEEI this morning when I got to work (~5th inning), only to find Dale Fucking Arnold doing the play-by-play. [shudder]
Are they planning to have Dale be Joe's sidekick on WEEI all year? Joe's awesome, but Dale is easily the worst announcer in Boston sports history. Perhaps he'll be better at baseball than he was with the Bruins.
Posted by tgl on 2008-03-26 13:18:43 +0000
Will the entire season be on WEEI? I can't stand tuning into WRKO. Truthfully, I can't stand the knuckleheads on 'EEI, but at least they confine the discussion to sports. On 'RKO you always run the risk of tuning in to knuckleheads talking about real issues.
Posted by jbcardinale on 2008-03-26 13:50:28 +0000
The 411
Ok, here's a topic that will bore some people to tears, baseball announcers. Dale Arnold sounds to me better than Glen Geffner (more useless stats per minute than any other announcer) from last year. But Tommy, why is Dale such a bad hockey announcer? He came to Boston after doing play-by-play for the NJ Devils. Is it because he's from Maine?
Posted by tommy on 2008-03-26 14:22:25 +0000
It's tough to put into words why he was such a bad hockey announcer. It's like his words did not match the plays, and he was announcing the TV broadcasts, so you could plainly see that he was just not describing reality. He had a kind of way of trying to make ordinary plays out like they were over-the-top great.
Examples of calls Arnold might have made:
[Joe Thornton and Ryan Smyth bump in the corner while chasing a loose puck]
[Random pushing and shoving in front of the net late in a 4-0 loss]
"Well, if the Islanders think they're going to intimidate the Bruins here... heh heh... they'd better think again!"
I understand that there are "homers" who don't have 100% objectivity, and that's totally fine. But, Dale Arnold had a level of... I guess you could say arrogance or cockiness. It was especially annoying since the Bruins had some terrible years in there. So, they're maybe 15 games under .500, and losing 6-1, but Arnold is calling the game like we're watching the 1985 Oilers.
It was like his goal was not to describe what was going on on the ice, but rather to demonstrate how big of a Bruins fan he was.
Posted by jbcardinale on 2008-03-26 14:44:07 +0000
Got it, I'd call it overblown announcing. It should be less of a problem with bb as he's only on the radio and he's only on Wednesdays.
Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-03-26 15:47:51 +0000
I thought Foulke had retired.
The A's bullpen looks like the Red Sox Castoff All-Stars, what with Foulke, Embree and Fat Lenny DiNardo.
Posted by tgl on 2008-03-26 16:40:28 +0000
Dammit, that means 'EEI only on Wednesday?
DISCUSS: Joe Castiglione doesn't need a color commentator.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2008-03-26 19:56:53 +0000
All games are on 103.7 FM WEEI out of Providence.
Posted by tgl on 2008-03-27 13:50:18 +0000
DISCUSS: Baseball sounds better on AM
Posted by tendiamonds on 2008-03-27 14:22:00 +0000
Having listened back and forth a bit, I will say that AM and FM each have their perks.
FM has more base, so the voices come through more clearly.
AM has that old-timey feel that you can't put a price on. Also, AM has better crowd noise, FM has so little you can barely hear it.
Posted by jbcardinale on 2008-03-27 14:33:39 +0000
I've never heard the game on FM, but I'm all for a bit of crackle (I listen on an early 60's model clock-radio) and crowd noise. But what I think is cool nowadays is that you can drive around anywhere in New England except SW Connecticut (not sure about bumfuck Maine) and hit the "seek" button when on AM and find the Sox game.
Posted by MF DU on 2008-03-27 17:38:02 +0000
I think we hashed this out on a "RSN mp3 player" thread a few years back, but has anyone found any type of an add-on accessory for an iPod™ that allows a listener to catch am broadcasts? there are all kinds of FM adapters, but I never listen to fm unless it is in the bathroom while I am getting ready for work. (you know an NPR Steve Innskeep / Rene Montaine type of thing. I guess sometimes at night when I give the Nigs a bath Terry Gross too)
Hopefully, if the fcc follows suit with the Justice dept on allowing the Sirius / XM merger, I will be able to get all the MLB I can stand with a minimum of commercial bullshit soon. But I am not holding my breath.
The only am radio negative I have found is when I am travelling more than 40 or 50 miles and I keep having to hunt and peck for a station as one wavers out.
<a href="">this</a> helps a little and I have a printout in my car, but still.
Lester didn't have a very strong start... 4 innings, 5 hits, 4 runs
I tuned in to WEEI this morning when I got to work (~5th inning), only to find Dale Fucking Arnold doing the play-by-play. [shudder]
Are they planning to have Dale be Joe's sidekick on WEEI all year? Joe's awesome, but Dale is easily the worst announcer in Boston sports history. Perhaps he'll be better at baseball than he was with the Bruins.
Ok, here's a topic that will bore some people to tears, baseball announcers. Dale Arnold sounds to me better than Glen Geffner (more useless stats per minute than any other announcer) from last year. But Tommy, why is Dale such a bad hockey announcer? He came to Boston after doing play-by-play for the NJ Devils. Is it because he's from Maine?
Examples of calls Arnold might have made:
[Joe Thornton and Ryan Smyth bump in the corner while chasing a loose puck]
[Random pushing and shoving in front of the net late in a 4-0 loss]
"Well, if the Islanders think they're going to intimidate the Bruins here... heh heh... they'd better think again!"
I understand that there are "homers" who don't have 100% objectivity, and that's totally fine. But, Dale Arnold had a level of... I guess you could say arrogance or cockiness. It was especially annoying since the Bruins had some terrible years in there. So, they're maybe 15 games under .500, and losing 6-1, but Arnold is calling the game like we're watching the 1985 Oilers.
It was like his goal was not to describe what was going on on the ice, but rather to demonstrate how big of a Bruins fan he was.
The A's bullpen looks like the Red Sox Castoff All-Stars, what with Foulke, Embree and Fat Lenny DiNardo.
DISCUSS: Joe Castiglione doesn't need a color commentator.
FM has more base, so the voices come through more clearly.
AM has that old-timey feel that you can't put a price on. Also, AM has better crowd noise, FM has so little you can barely hear it.
Hopefully, if the fcc follows suit with the Justice dept on allowing the Sirius / XM merger, I will be able to get all the MLB I can stand with a minimum of commercial bullshit soon. But I am not holding my breath.
The only am radio negative I have found is when I am travelling more than 40 or 50 miles and I keep having to hunt and peck for a station as one wavers out.
<a href="">this</a> helps a little and I have a printout in my car, but still.