NYTimes.com: Geek Love
<img width=600 src="http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2008/03/09/opinion/09opart.large.gif">
The Wife wanted to post this diagram that accompanied <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/09/opinion/09rogers.html?_r=1&oref=slogin">this</a> article. But, because she didn't spend any time in the basement playing D&D, she doesn't know how.
This diagram reminded me that I have never been to a renaissance faire. Also, while I have never taught myself pascal, I do still have the textbook that I borrowed from the Highschool with which I was going to teach it to myself. By then all the cool kids had moved onto C+ and were playing with fractals, and my plan went the way most of my grand plans that involved persistent effort at things that don't come easily to me have gone. If only it were all as easy as Logo.
Does this mean tgl & do8 are gonna rescind my nerd certification?
"Free to Be, You and Me" should be on it, someplace.
Um... or maybe something <i>slightly</i> less specific.
Note the "GIRLS" circle.
Where's my "BOYS" circle, hm???
Please, you cannot have it both ways pamsterdam: calling virtue a "gender revolutionary" who is very much hetero, and then saying "it's for straight men and lesbians", which it might be, but you've contradicted yourself.
But moving on...
Don't be so binary, CC. Virtue, by identifying with something which is clearly intended for straight boys, *is* a gender revolutionary. Gender is - in the mainstream - defined in binary terms, whereas in real life (real time) it is fluid and organic.
Straight men and lesbians are solely romantically/sexually interested in "girls". Those are but 2 possibilities on an endless continuum of gender identities. By using the term "girls" and by not including the binary opposite "boys" or even rejecting binary gender and inserting "sexual experience" or "sex", the makers of the above illustration limited themselves. I didn't do it for them.
And again the Vin Diesel box and "marrying Harry Potter" boxES must also be looked at. Is it for gay boys? Because you say it's not for straight women.
I think that the redness of the Girls box got you. Perhaps you should open your mind a bit.
Anyway, you need to wash your mouth out, mister "red girls box". I'm disappointed in you, young man. For shame. Tsk.
here's episode 2.
I'd go for this.
Because frankly, I don't know any girls who this would appeal to either of these (except for the Amazonian Honar the Librarian)
I actually was referring to your cuteness in that last comment, but that might not be entirely fair, because <i>no one</i> is cute in middle school.
(In all honesty, my ulterior motive was to get dye to post the picture of himself that lives on the H3W fridge.)
<img src ="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2127/2324153673_cfd1cf682c_m.jpg">
Jesus, do8, you were a damn cute kid.
Any chance of getting the senior (high school) portrait up too? You know the one - in full Eagle Scout regalia? :o)
Buddy pics with tgl are strongly encouraged as well.
<img src= "http://www.tweakyourpage.com/Layouts/Male_Celebrities/Vin_Diesel/vin-diesel-5/thumb.jpg">
<img src= "http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/schorpioentje/VinDiesel3.jpg">
<img src= "http://www.thetrixie.com/archives/7036-vin-diesel-12-1024x768.jpg">
<img src="http://realmofvindiesel.homestead.com/files/OtherPictures/Vin_Shower.jpg">
But to be fair - my friends had found out about my huge crush and had started teasing me, calling him "Bubba, son of Cable Guy" (he was vaguely slack-jawed and there was a CableVision van parked outside his house most days) to try & shame me out of liking him, but I still thought the sun shone out of his behind and didn't care if his dad ate garbage for a living. At some point before the "Minions of Dorkness" comment he'd walked up to me and my friends and said - to me! - "By the way, the CableVision van's my brother's - my father's a nuclear physicist at Seabrook." and walked off down the hall.
I was utterly, utterly crushed. And hated my friends. Almost through 'til the end of 6th period.
When I saw him at Pretzel Time at the Fox Run Mall (which was probably 10 years ago), all I did was all I ever did when I saw him in high school - stop dead in my tracks, go weak at the knees, stare at him, open my mouth, and say absolutely nothing. I think I might have managed a wan smile and a vague "maybe I'm waving at you but maybe I'm swatting an invisible fly" motion. And then I ran away.
Anyway, he totally didn't like me. He was super-hot and super-funny and played guitar and I was this gothy dork who followed him around, giving him copies of punk bootlegs and Economics homework - both of which I "just happened" to have lying around.
Remember that guy Dave I dated? The abstract painter / ice cream man? He once - out of the blue - turned to me and said, "You know what, Pam? You think you're Ally Sheedy, but you're really Molly Ringwald." I was SO offended.
Anyway, I was Anthony Michael Hall, and he winds up with nobody.
You should have told him to take your diamond stud earring and shove it where the sun don't shine!
Did you actually think the paintings were angry, or did you just make it up on the fly? Or were you projecting your thoughts about him onto the canvas?