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Posted by tgl on 2009-02-24 23:34:16 +0000

He's a very good speaker.

Anyone else think the GOP talking point where leading every criticism with "He's a very good speaker" is a bit tiresome? Didn't they just lose an election relying on this line? I think the GOP is a bit flummoxed by having such a popular president.

And still the harping on earmarks... big picture, people! No wonder small businesses fail so often if these are the type of people running them. I actually think Mitch McConnell's response was the best.

Anyone on the Left want to comment on the depressingly jingoistic tone of Obama's speech?

PS Isn't nice to be addressed like an adult for a change?

PPS Jindal's retort was limp, I thought. But I listened on the radio.

Posted by tgl on 2009-02-25 00:31:37 +0000
Was there any shout-outs to the ordinary people in the balcony? If not, that's the best thing about the speech. I can't stand those shout-outs.

Posted by Rory_Stark on 2009-02-25 02:28:50 +0000
I was listening to this in a cab driving down the length of Prospect St.
Bricka bracka firecracker sis boom bah!

Posted by tgl on 2009-02-25 10:16:03 +0000
I'm taking back my sentiment about the tiresome-ness of "He's a very good speaker." My bad.

It was never tiresome to point out that G.W. Bush had the grammatical talents of a fourth-grader. So... fair play.

Posted by MF DU on 2009-02-25 10:34:46 +0000
60 + ovations. He *is* a very good speaker. (anxiously awaiting someone on RSN to throw something at me metaphorically, even though I am trying to make this comment in earnest - really - I swear...)

I liked the fist lady bit.

Posted by mr. mister on 2009-02-25 18:16:41 +0000
I thought that when they wheeled that girl from South Carolina out who wrote the letter to save her school was the low point. The first lady hugging her and hugging her and saying "that's right". I had to change it. I did like the whole go back to school for a year. Smarten up people. I haven't fact checked all of it. But He's a very good speaker!

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