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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
2009 river trip
We're playing with the dude from The F.U.'s on Saturday
Big Burrito #15: 2/2/09
Day The Snow Came - Britain Stopped
Neon and Harleys and Golf Clubhouse Mansions, Oh My!
RIP Lux Interior
The Living End #2: 2/6/09
Graffiti n' stuff
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday February 5th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Punk photography
Doody Humor
Photographer needed
Big Burrito #16: 2/9/09
Necco please!
Straight outta New Jersey!
Interesting Zine article
Miriam's back on Rideside!
Circle 7 Radio
Put The Bone In
in bondage to masturbation? (audio potentially NSFW)
New England Boat Show
Laughed so hard I almost peed my pants
Throbbing Gristle NYC
Mullholland Drive Explained
End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday February 12th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
Mmm, bacon.
Big Burrito #17: 2/16/09
PDay Y2009
Feb 2009 John Zorn Interview on WNYC
How long will it take YOU to earn Teixiera's annual salary.
I'm doing spoken word and Kevin from 7 Seconds (and others) are playing acoustic - AWESOME!
RIP Touch and Go Records
Friendly Toast 2.0
CCC - week whatever
The Living End #3: 2/20/09
This is what the internet is for!! (when your bored with pr0n)
Big Burrito #18: 2/23/09
Chart stolen straight from Yglesias
NYU Food Liberation Front
Playing Records tomorrow at The Model
He's a very good speaker.
Faith No More reuniting
The Road
Richard Jenkins
T'interweb is boring
Batch #21: Mild Ale
The Living End #4 -- 2/27/09
Mind Blinderz fill in (End of Radio - Show# ____?)Friday February 27th 2009 8:00-10:00pm
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