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i ride sideways
Posted by MF DU on 2009-02-06 13:52:15 +0000

End of Radio - Show# ____? Thursday February 5th 2009 8:00-10:00pm

End of Radio
is meh.

* denotes a request, # denotes a new release

Artist / Song Title / Album Title / Label

Bad Brains / Stay Close To Me /Omega Sessions / Victory
Buzzcocks / Pulse Beat / The Peel Sessions / Strange Fruit
#Japanese Motors / Coors Lite / s/t / Vice
Minutemen / Jesus and Tequila / Ballot Result / SST
#Toy Killers / 24 Handkerchiefs for Roger Trilling / The Unlistenable Years /UGExplode
Wire / Map Ref 41 N 93 W /154 / Pink Flag
Breeders / Bang On / Mountain Battles / 4AD
#Bad Plus (joined by Wendy Lewis) / Radio Cure / For All I Care / Do The Math Records
Junior Murvin / Police and Thieves / Police and Thieves / Island
# The Clash / Police On My Back / Live @ Shea Stadium / Columbia
Black Flag / Screw The Law / The Process Of Weeding Out / SST
Melt Banana / Dust Head / Speak Squeak Creak / NUX
Channels / Chivaree / Open / Desoto
#Don Cherry / Codona / The Codona Triology / ECM
Rahsaan Roland Kirk / Slippery, Hippery, Flippery / Kirk's Works / Mercury
#David S Ware / Shakti / Namah / Aum Fidelity
Kokolo / Mister Sinister / More Consideration / Engine
Afrika Bambaata & The Soul Sonic Force / Looking For The Perfect Beat / Planet Rock / Tommy Boy
Missy Dee and The Melody Crew / Missy Missy Dee / V/a: "Don't Stop: Recording Tap" / Numero
#Joel Mellin / (S)Warm Compositions For Computer Volume 1 / Stereoriffic
Man... or Astroman? / Reverb 10,000 / Name Of Numbers / Destroy All Astro-Men!! / ESTRUS
#Animal Collective / My Girls / Merriweather Post Pavillion / Domino

Posted by dyedon8 on 2009-02-06 22:42:28 +0000
I saw that David S Ware record at the station today -- any good?

Posted by MF DU on 2009-02-07 11:25:06 +0000
I would reccomend it for any set that needs a little extra energy, intensity, or maybe just for a change from the ordinary.

I heard from a jazz usenet list DSW is not in the best of health as of late - total bummer.

I saw him once (1999?) @ Boston Musem of Fine Arts - he opened for Dave Douglas. Branford Marsalis (!) sweet talked him into getting signed to Columbia - he eventually got dropped like a hot potato, but that was like Elektra signing Zorn. Weird shit.

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