in bondage to masturbation? (audio potentially NSFW)
this got posted to the list for my burning man camp...and just in time for valentine's day!
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="624" height="522" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>
this video is also featured in a <a href="">drinking game</a> (though some of the blog text feels a little not-right to me).
Is it wrong that I found it kind of hot to hear these purity-obsessed young people talk so earnestly about how they used to touch themselves and how sinful and naughty they felt when they did it?
I want a "pro-masturbator" t-shirt.
I SO need to start making t-shirts.
and there's clearly a need: as evidenced by the video, these young people today - they don't even know that masturbating IS PERFECTLY OKAY.
in fact, if you do it right, it's bloody awesome. *laughs*
i'm going to go listen to some lust songs....