Here's a baseless redux from CNN:
My favorite part:
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Some conspiracy buffs suggest bin Laden already has been captured or perhaps has been trapped by Pakistan in a cave, and will be produced just before the November 2 election.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What conspiracy buff? What are the "buff's" credentials? What is the source of the "buff's"
information? Shouldn't CNN, a major source of American news for the masses be a little more specific about stuff like this if they are going to bother printing it at all? It seems as long as CNN plants the seed or the idea that politicians hold trump cards they wait to play for personal gain, they dont actually have to substantiate the claim. Jeezus!
At least a few political science professors, such as the prof from Princeton at the end of the article aren't so partisan as to speculate that an X-Files style conspiracy will keep their candidate from winning...
More to the point, many Americans are trafficking this rumor. Isn't that the news story? This story is actually good news for the Bush campaign. Can you imagine if they actually did come up with Bin Laden's body (dead or alive) on Oct. 26th? Do they make it public and risk being accused of trying to infleunce the election? With the notion of the October Surprise known to the public, BC04 can claim they'd be crazy to try and time the capture of Bin Laden, that everyone would accuse them of withholding the news for just the right effect.
<i>"The notion is that the October surprise is a Halloween trick for politicians. But the strongest possibility this time is something happening that nobody controls," said Princeton political science professor Fred Greenstein.</i>
He's stating, clearly, that it's most likely that something non-conspiritorial will happen.
And we all know who the theorists are, anyway.
The whole point of worthy news sources is that they give credit to another source or person they are quoting. Even if it was the DNC who said this conspiracy theory off the record, they should atribute the statements to someone. If it is a conspiracy theory developed at CNN itself, have someone research the theory before throwing it into the news stream...
I feel strongly that this stuff undermines journalism the "I'm just reporting what other people said" line doesn't hold a lot of water with me. Sorry.
Sorry, I have been hooked on the Talking Heads as of late....