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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
25 Users!
Thank God! (Warning: No Iraq Content)
Shizzle my nizzle
Debate 1
In the event of West Coast playoffs....
What's Your Source (Redux)
Dude, 18, kid.
Taking back Monday
Bayesian stats predict world series
Health Plans
Progressive Republicans are now Democrats
No really, we can spin this.
RIP Gordon Cooper (Astronaut fagan.)
officer officer OVERSEER!
Ass Bleeding metal
I'm laughed! I'm cryed!
Dawn & I aren't making this up, regular Republicans agre
3.5 hours to go!
'Team America'
Critical points from Last Monday and then Tuesday
Sports Guy's eval:
Non-Sox playoff thread
God Bless The Onion (AKA Music/Celeb/Politics Redux)
The October Surprise Is...
ALDS Game 1
Recent Netflixes
Standing Up To Howard Dean vs Standing Up To Al Qaeda
RIP Rodney Dangerfield
ALDS Game 2
The Curse and Jews.
Boo Fuckin Hoo
Post Season Standings
Game 3:
The New Florida Ballot
Bucky done good
Creative Nonfiction
Which is really the outdated party of bygone ideals?
Sen. Joseph Biden
Fuck French Socialism
George Bush = Milli Vanilli
Help With a Very Important Misson
EL-P / Company Flow (alt title: Dont You Just Love A Bargain
Superman: Where Are You Now?
Cato Institute cheers for partisanship
RIP Ken Caminiti
Debate 2
Not a good look.
Your tax dollars paying for the Bush Campaign
All your Yankees are belong to us
Indie rockers for RS
Dude, 19, kid.
It's the cheese!
Dazed and Confused
MLB is conspiring to rig the election
Most Liberal Senator
BTTLs (redux)
Shades of D-Backs
Daylight Savings Time
Mendoza for Youkilis
Why Dean Cain is an asshole:
Rifle Sport
CPFLMTT 10/11/04
Board Admin Note
Go Get Em Bill!
One thousand!
On this day in 1986:
Slint reunion!
The House That Ruth Built
ALDS Game 3 fotos
Everyone lies...
ALCS Game 1
Frontline's 'The Choice 2004'
The first prong in our multi-pronged attack!
ALCS Game 2
Prong #2:
Celebrity Deadpool
Oasis of Peace
Some Wu Tang for Ladew tang
Worse than being unregistered to Vote?
National Journal speaks up
Dude, Tom Brady, kid
College Hockey?
Obriens tonight
Derrida and Jandek
A Brief History of Karl Rove
ALCS Game 3
How Telling
Kill Bill Vol. 2
The 36 Chambers of Shaolin
With this post...
It's safer with the Kurds.
Last seen on the sidewalk.
Sparta. "Porcelain"
Red Sox haiku!
ALCS Game 4
Fear and Intimidation:
Mary Cheney is a lesbian.
Dude, 20, kid.
Stewart on Crossfire.
Dr. Heinz Kerry speaks
ALCS Game 6
ALCS Game 5
Say what you want
more chatter
Team America
ALCS Game 7
I just like the headline.
Will the real New Hampshire please stand up?
Jandek: Live!
Rap Moves on to the Year 4000
Bad Hair Day?
News about space!
Finance Zombies
So how do you paste links and pics these days
Bush endorsements
Jesus, the 2004 Red Sox sure are quotable.
R.I.P. Betty Hill.
Informed Decision
Mos Def / Black Jack Johnson
Robertson for Bush
Stomach Revolt
Plunning Can
Vast left wing conspiracy (redux)
God bless the onion
Muddy Helmets???
Red Sox - Twas the night to beat the Yankees
He can run...
Yeah, I did it again.
this guy is a nut
this guy is an idiot
2004 World Series
this thing called the "national" league
worse than a cellphone
a regexp question
curse of the... ???
getting closer...
Sue First Ask Questions Later / Provisional Balloting
read my lips, no new posts
Wolfpacks for Truth
My first blog
active posts
WS Game#1
When was the last time...
When was the last time...
this should be marked as "new" on the top level page...
mailing lists
The Streak
WS Game 2
all your forum are belong to us
Ashlee Simpson
arab on safire
Neurosis in NY Sat Nov. 27th
labels don't matter
WS Game #3
The new Drupal format
The big pro-Kerry topic
still unsullied by partisanship
Making Monday Tuesday: World Series Edition
like sands through the hourglass..
yeah, i'm wearing it
More Bush lies
the price of admission
daily comics
lest we forget
tracking the shadow government (humourous, really!)
tort reform & bush
RIP John Peel
Should everyone of us have one?
Dead letter office
C4RT: The Ralph's edition Sat night Oct 30th
Blogger Without a clue
Fucking Annoying Commercials
Red House!
i am a gay republican
2004 World Series Game Four Thread
Dear Jeff Suppan/ Lessons (not) learned from '75
here we go.
Who's a Ram Fan?
back from the dead
Let's hear it!
node is new
World Champs!!!!!!
some chants for the future
tickets for next season
over the top
just do it
Why Kerry's coalition ideas stink.
Masada (John zorn / Dave Douglas et. al) DVD.....
The Door Behind!
Kerry endorsements
the curse of rodriguez
Devistating Iraq / Afghanistan news
it's halloween weekend
It was four years ago today
surprise! surprise!
the first strike
Find me on github.