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Posted by tgl on 2004-10-17 20:37:53 +0000

Mary Cheney is a lesbian.

On the face of it, praising a person's family shouldn't be considered a "cheap shot". Using the name of a political opponent's openly gay daughter to illustrate a point about homosexuality not being a choice would seem reasonable as well.

I admit there could be some Machiavellian tactic going on when both Edwards and Kerry bring up Mary Cheney (esp. Kerry, who wasn't facing Cheney at the time) during a nationally televised debate. Sort of a mind blowing tactic though: we know your base and election hopes are tied up with Christian Fundamentalists, we think if we remind them that the V.P. candidate's daughter is a lesbian, that the Fundies will stay home on Nov. 2 Even if Kerry's comments were completely well-intentioned and banal (they seemed to be), maybe it wasn't a wise move politically.

Where was Lynne Cheney's outrage when Alan Keyes, the Republican candidate for Illinos Senate described Mary Cheney as a sinning hedonist?

Posted by on 2004-10-17 20:45:13 +0000
but honestly, Terry, who cares what Alan Keyes says? He's more fringe than Nader, Sharpton, and Buchanon combined... I'm sure Keyes and David Duke and all these nuts have plenty of crazy things to say....

Hearing these vague panderings to help gays from Kerry, a main stream candidate ([joke]sitting on the left bank[/joke]), without any clear intention of doing so is wrong IMHO.

Posted by on 2004-10-17 20:48:56 +0000
I missed the vague pandering implied in "I respect the love in your family". That's a paraphrase of his remarks, sure, but that's how I took them.

Keyes is a candidate for US Senate, that's fringe?

Posted by on 2004-10-17 20:53:34 +0000
Buchanan has tried to run for the presidency and Duke has run for a lot of major offices as well. I usually try to avoid name calling, but, there are many people that are crazier than a shithoude rat that have run for public office. I wouldn't put this guy in a serious contender main stream category, no.

Posted by on 2004-10-17 21:15:27 +0000
OK, then where were the Cheneys when the Republican leadership decided to institutionalize inequality by amending the Constitution?

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