i am a gay republican
Well, in name at least. Lara says she'll let me say I'm one.
<a href="http://www.andrewsullivan.com/main_article.php?artnum=20041027">Andrew Sullivan endorses Kerry</a>
The 5% I disagree with this guy on is that we needed to invade Iraq. ...should that be greater than 5%? 15%?
An addendum:
<a href="http://slate.msn.com/id/2108714/">Those bastards at Slate.com</a>
Christopher Hitchens (leftist turned Bush apologist) gets honorable mention.
I love his "be careful what you wish for Kerry , you might get it!" observation...
Andrew Sullivan's observation of both candidates being pretty 2nd tier is also spot on IMHO.
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
It's clear to me that Bush and his team are incapable of nation-building in Iraq. The chance for Kerry to be capable is at least not zero.
Poland, my ass.
100% Riot-Schtuffy!
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
I guess Im going pepsi w/ less taxes even though most folks are going Coke...
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
Less taxes doesn't necessarily translate into "more money in my pocket".