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tome cusp
Posted by tgl on 2004-10-21 17:36:20 +0000

Yeah, I did it again.

I pulled the rug out. This package is better in so many ways that I won't even bother to enumerate them. Your password might not work, so type in your user name and click on "request password".

This is a blog, and there is a forum. Plus I can host the wiki through this (I need to migrate that next), plus it's called "drupal". I guess I can enumerate.

Y'all get preview and edit back.

Posted by on 2004-10-21 17:52:52 +0000
Between the switch and now, the users table wasn't letting people authenticate. Do it!

Posted by on 2004-10-21 18:46:09 +0000
No really, I _did_ update the users table to let everyone in...

Posted by on 2004-10-21 20:31:50 +0000
so, yeah, i've killed it. i'm that guy

Posted by on 2004-10-21 20:48:27 +0000
This works! I've seen posts from people other than me!

Posted by on 2004-10-22 12:33:19 +0000
is this board missing the "posts since last visit" option? There really needs to be a way to track unread messages....

Oh wait, I know, why don't you stop fucking around with message boards and setup a newsgroup server?

Posted by on 2004-10-22 12:40:58 +0000
oh snap!

Posted by on 2004-10-22 13:48:33 +0000
There is a 'recent posts' link underneath your name in the navigation box on the upper left.

Posted by on 2004-10-22 14:36:06 +0000
Ok, see, recent posts doesn't clearly show me _every_ new post, and no other posts.

Posted by on 2004-10-22 14:57:55 +0000
Yeah... I see that. I'm sure the tracker module can be changed to change the displayed items. I should probably fiddle bits at work today, instead of bits at home.

There is probably a way to make postings available to a newsgroup server too.

Posted by on 2004-10-22 14:59:34 +0000
How about that little red star next to the comment? ...the main point is all the other kruft, though, eh?

Posted by on 2004-10-22 16:12:31 +0000
Anyone else forgetting to hit "post comment" after the preview?

Posted by on 2004-10-22 18:55:37 +0000
I also don't see a need for each post to have a title...

Posted by on 2004-10-22 18:56:56 +0000
Yeah, comments should be without titles.

Posted by on 2004-10-22 19:00:01 +0000
I'll Mess With Texas

What about the stuff at the end of the comment?

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