this was originally an anti-masturbation psa circulating around the web a few years back.....
I've personally thrown a good 200 or so kittens into the wood chipper (ala Fargo) today alone... heh heh heh
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
Posted by frame609 on 2004-10-29 05:43:48 +0000
Masturbating or voting Republican?
Posted by rladew on 2004-10-29 12:58:52 +0000
100 Kittens for each Im afraid....
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
Posted by tgl on 2004-10-29 13:00:18 +0000
I seriously doubt voting is enjoyable as masturbating.
Hmmm... rub one out or vote for Kerry?
Posted by Miriam on 2004-10-29 17:55:38 +0000
The kittens plea is now on my bathroom wall at work.
Posted by rladew on 2004-10-29 17:56:56 +0000
masturbation or republicans or both?
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2004-11-01 17:13:34 +0000
Consider another kitten killed by yours truly.
Hey, Curt Schilling has already killed one...
Posted by tgl on 2004-11-01 17:14:41 +0000
I'm waiting for the denounciation of Curt Schilling usually reserved for punk rockers supporting Kerry...
Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-11-01 18:28:53 +0000
I always thought it would taint the Red Sox victory for all of the players, particularly Schilling, thanking god all the time. Like the Red Sox are somehow the Jews of baseball, with all the oppression and being chosen and whatnot. But no, Schilling will taint it instead by killing kittens... fucking bloody sock.
Posted by uncle on 2004-11-01 18:36:49 +0000
A thought:
Was the sock bloodied by his injury, or from the blood of all the kittens he has been kicking?
A further thought:
If it was from an injury, was the injury caused by kitten kicking?
Posted by uncle on 2004-11-01 18:37:59 +0000
I think that killing kittens is more enjoyable then voting or masturbation.
Posted by uncle on 2004-11-01 18:47:16 +0000
Another thought, judging by the poster, god apparently employees both of Gumby's fat minority cousins to kill kittens.
Posted by rladew on 2004-11-01 19:31:46 +0000
lotsa people will be killing kittens.....
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
Posted by rladew on 2004-11-01 19:43:23 +0000
Tom Wolfe is killin Kittens...
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
I've personally thrown a good 200 or so kittens into the wood chipper (ala Fargo) today alone... heh heh heh
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
100 Kittens for each Im afraid....
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
Hmmm... rub one out or vote for Kerry?
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
Hey, Curt Schilling has already killed one...
Was the sock bloodied by his injury, or from the blood of all the kittens he has been kicking?
A further thought:
If it was from an injury, was the injury caused by kitten kicking?
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>
<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>