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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by rladew on 2004-10-21 14:34:41 +0000

Red Sox - Twas the night to beat the Yankees

received this in an e-mail today:
Twas the night to beat the Yankees

And all through the nation

Not a single soul was thinking
Of 85 years of damnation....

Cause this is the year

To end our bad luck

And even if it don't

On Damon! On Nixon! On Manny and Kap-lah!

On V-tek! On Meuller! On Ortiz and Mill-ah!
Carry this team and make some noise

Cause everyone knows A-rods a sissy and Jeter Likes Boys!
To the TRUE fans of BOSTON
Get a beer and a cup

And say it again boys

!!!GO SOX!!!

Posted by on 2004-10-21 15:19:53 +0000
First of all, Fuck Christmas songs, Fuck Christmas and, while we're at it, Fuck Christians.

So, uh, I know Youk was deactivated for Malaska and all... and Kaps played, what, 2 innings? I have for you:

Oh Red Sox, Red Sox, Red Sox,
We made you out of faith
And when you fuck the Janquis
The World Series we will play

L'Shana Tovah! (That's Heebie for "This is The Year")


Posted by on 2004-10-21 15:26:11 +0000
I hope you dont think there was a Christian agenda in the post... sheesh this place is gettin PC

Posted by on 2004-10-21 20:36:27 +0000
The agenda is implied by the choice of the rhyme that it's ripping.

Just like the heterosexual agenda is implied when a debate moderator asks candidates questions about their wives and families (...and then there is an uproar over the mention of someones homosexuality).

Posted by on 2004-10-22 12:38:26 +0000
an intent as simple as wishing the Red Sox well has turned into a political debate. that's great.

Anyone got some Kwanza and Buddhist themed Red Sox parodies? Who else am I leaving out here?

I'll make sure all other posts are not specific to gender, sexual orientation, religious preference, economic status, geographic status, political orientation.....

anything else?

Posted by on 2004-10-22 13:52:14 +0000
The dominant cultural assumptions are based entirely on the straight, white, male, christian viewpoint. If no one speaks up and says, "Hey, I'm different", then every emailed poem parody will be based on 'The Night Before Christmas'.

...and we don't need that.

tendiamonds maintains his asshole status either way, mind you.

Posted by on 2004-10-22 14:32:22 +0000
That's "Jewish Asshole" to you, bub.

Posted by on 2004-10-22 14:33:10 +0000

Posted by on 2004-10-22 15:00:45 +0000
Y'all are funny. I love that this discussion even exists!

Posted by on 2004-10-22 15:54:11 +0000
I'm all in support of everyone chiming in and saying "Hey I'm Different". I take issue if people on this site are assuming I am somehow an agent trying to introduce some "straight white male , Christian viewpoint" agenda on this site. If any of you know me personally, I will hope that you can attest to this point.

I DID not say Christmas is good and other holidays are bad. I didnt reference a holiday at all. I didnt say "Fuck" one holiday over another or anything.I know some may see me as a corporate male white asshole, but I seriously and honestly only wanted to share warm fuzzies about the Red Sox. PERIOD.

If we are all amongst friends, why is there some belief that I had some hidden agenda in posting this?

I'm still not sure if we are having this discussion seriously or in jest.

I feel like I am a freshman again in Williamson (no offense to Mike F)being lectured by my RA on cultural sensitivity.

Being a staunch Unitarian Universalist, I do not need this nor do I appreciate it.

If I hold the door open for someone and it happens to be a woman, its not a symbol of sexual dominance or disrespect: it is a gesture of kindness and respect that I was brought up to appreciate from my parents.

If some stranger looks at my baby girl and says thats a lovely boy: Why would I bother correcting them when it is clear they are trying to send out a compliment? I could spend the time to correct them, but why?

During November and December I do my best to wish people Happy Holidays and keep it at that. since I was brought up with Christmas, if I forget my blanket PC friendly statement and have the AUDACITY to say Merry Christmas to someone who doesen't celebrate it, it is a statement nonetheless of ghoodwill towards mankind, not some sinister Pat Robertson plan to take over the world... this is just total BS!!!

Some gangster rapper turned hollywood actor said it best:

Freedom of Speech: Just Watch What You Say....

Posted by on 2004-10-22 16:10:46 +0000
The poem _is_ a holiday reference!

I think we can agree that tendiamonds is a jewish asshole, whose comment was meant to be abrasive. My point is that a person should feel free to wish someone Merry Christmas, additionally, we shouldn't be startled when someone says "I'm not a straight white male Christian".

PC is so mid-90s.

Posted by on 2004-10-22 16:18:30 +0000
"PC is so mid-90s."

apparently not judging from this thread....

Posted by on 2004-10-22 16:19:49 +0000
J, are you going to liberate us girls from straight white male corporate oppression?

Posted by on 2004-10-22 16:24:13 +0000
What was PC about "Fuck Christmas. Fuck Christians"? Those statements seemed antithetical with the gag order of Political Correctness.

There is nothing wrong with a poem parody of "'Twas the Night Before Christmas", likewise "Havah Nagilah".

Posted by on 2004-10-22 16:27:49 +0000
We all know you weren't trying to increase the hegemony of straight white christian males.

Posted by on 2004-10-22 16:42:13 +0000
Let everybody Know!

If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black

Posted by on 2004-10-22 17:15:06 +0000
And I'm recovering-Catholic socialist-feminist punk-hippie recent-immigrant-Quincy-stock with-a-weird-name asshole to you!

Does this mean I get a nickname like JB theBJRJJQJRXJJ?

Posted by on 2004-10-22 17:58:47 +0000
Yes: <b>G</b>

Posted by on 2004-10-22 19:06:41 +0000
Terry - Im not sneering at the Fuck Christmas post from Ten Diamonds - I am sneering, with all due respect, at your posts. for example

The dominant cultural assumptions are based entirely on the straight, white, male, christian viewpoint. If no one speaks up and says, "Hey, I'm different", then every emailed poem parody will be based on 'The Night Before Christmas'.

...and we don't need that.

This, IMHO, is a bit lectureish and, while I dont think this was yr direct intention, assumes I'm trying to undermine other people's cultural and religious values.

I can understand yr point if you were writing an editorial to the general public in a newspaper or something, but amongst a group of friends where most of us know each other pretty well, I guess I feel a little baffled by this...

If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black

Posted by on 2004-10-22 19:08:03 +0000
(remove foreskin here)

Ride with me my young friends. Ride and we shall conquer all!

(when did that Alien get up on my screen? I swear I just tried to wipe it off)

(Now in preview mode, I'm so glad I'm _forced_ to preview)

(OK, I didn't have to preview it again, but I am... I could do this all day)

(OK, I put a subject on, but it's not showing up... which is a step in the right direction... but my joke about cutting off your foreskin was lost without it)

Posted by on 2004-10-22 19:27:44 +0000
Sarcasm, irony and joking do not translate on a discussion board. Nothing is read in the tone intended by the author. (Especially when there is an alien in the upper right corner...)

I was pointing out, after reading your post concerning the Christian agenda and PC-ism, that every aspect of American life is based on the assumption of straight, white, Christian, males. Additionally, it's not being PC to say "screw your poem, here's mine".

I didn't mean to imply that you we're participating in the hegemony. Heck, I'm all four of those things. ...Wow, I've used the word "hegemony" twice today...

I've written so many other posts that are way more lecturish than thew ones in this thread...

Posted by on 2004-10-22 19:48:26 +0000
Submit should submit, not preview. I agree.

I'll even return your foreskin joke... (It thought everyone could edit comments, guess it's just me.)

Posted by on 2004-10-22 20:01:40 +0000
Yeah, how 'bout that "Post comment" button. No Preview for those who don't wanna.

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