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Posted by rladew on 2004-10-12 16:31:24 +0000

Go Get Em Bill!

I miss this guy: (from the standpoint of a NH observer), he is much more the kind of conservative I prefer: liberal on social issues such as gay rights and economically conservative.

Interesting point: What if GW hadn't been president before and he was a Senator and not a governor? Dems would absolutely be playing the "extremist" voting record card as seen by the National Journal.

Weld brings up a good Rodney King style "Can't we just all get along" too - as much as we like to argue they are neither of these men are total boobs....


Posted by on 2004-10-12 17:38:42 +0000
I still do not understand how people equate Kerry's "global test" with asking permission. The two are practically opposites.

"Fifth, the fact is that President Bush has an ample record to run on: a resolute stand against global threats and enemies, a tax cut that virtually all economists agreed was helpful in pulling the country out of recession, major achievements in education (No Child Left Behind), health care (prescription drug benefit for seniors) and law enforcement (Patriot Act), and interesting new salients like the faith-based initiative for social programs."

Ah, and what a record it is. If any of "these major achievements" improved the country in any way, please show me...

Posted by on 2004-10-12 19:51:56 +0000
Weld also falls for that National Journal ranking.

Kerry is No. 1 in 2003. True. This is a "statistic, lie, or damn lie." His lifelong ranking isn't even in the top ten. His no. 1 ranking is more due to the fact that he missed votes while campaigning in 2003 rather than an actual indication of his liberalness.

I'm hoping that the Republicans will move towards the Welds, the Patakis, the Schwarzeneggars, the Giulianis (maybe) of the party. There something to be said for conservative principles un-sullied by religious fundamentalism, fiscal tomfoolery, and business cronyism. I think the only way that will happen is if Bush loses.

Posted by on 2004-10-12 20:10:52 +0000
I was able to get more quality care for both my wife's non covered health care expenses such as vision ($500 USD savings, OTC drugs - uncalculated as of yet, as well setting up a tax deductible dependent care acct for my daughter this year - if these are expenses I will incur anyway and I am not a huge user of the BCBS plan I pay dearly every month for - If I can reduce my taxable income with these expenses- IT HELPS MY FAMILY GROW (This is a good thing!).

From what I understand: -Kerry will be getting rid of these -

You'll balk at the funding and goals I'm sure, but I'll be brave and say that The Leave No Child behind act has raised educational standards for kids in public schools and Bush has helped to empower Parents unhappy with low performing schools to have vouchers to bring their kids to more competitive.

I'm all for the good of the community - but I'm POSITIVE (and you can call me selfish here) that I will choose the well being and higher educational development for my first born (and maybe other children) over the vague notion of supporting a community

And wait- there's more-

-Tort Reform
- tax cut for everyone!

(Did you know that while Teresa and John made 90% more than George and Laura in 2003, their income tax bracket was 12% (and this is only the partiqal financial records that have reluctantly been made available by Kerry - Public still doesn't have all the info) after all of their lucrative trusts, loopholes etc were used as to where George and Laura paid @ the 20% bracket even though they made 9 times less then the Kerrys. who cares how many times Kerry has voted to lower taxes in Senate? If he just avoids paying the taxes we really haven't got anywhere - for once I agree with Edwards! Lets close these loopholes!)

...sorry for the extract ... it appears to be one of those subscriber only things

Posted by on 2004-10-12 20:15:30 +0000
This is a "statistic, lie, or damn lie."
But Dems never do this: Black voters are more than 9 times more likely to have votes spoiled than white voters? what if some of the precincts had a 90% African American turnout? (which it did)

What about the unemployment #'s that use the jobless rates from last year without accounting for the MILLIONS of new people that werent working when those #'s were taken but are working now?

It seems to me that The slightest hint anyone utters that Kerry has blemishes freaks you guys out. Im the first to admit there are a score of Bushisms that I really hate, but sweeping up after four more years of Bush will be an easier cleanup than any time with Kerry IMHO

Posted by on 2004-10-12 20:49:18 +0000
C'mon, Rich, let us pick our battles too! ;)

Kerry's job loss claim is incorrect. 1.6 million jobs lost in the private sector only. Luckily, Bush has increased government jobs (that whole Big Government thing) so that actual jobs lossed since he took office are at 825,000.

In reading the transcript from the last debate, Kerry did use the "private sector" qualifier. In contrast, Bush, claimed to contain nondefense, discretionary spending at 1% per year. This is false. It has been climbing at 8% per year. Maybe within the confines of the Budget it's 1%, but then you take into account that the Budget doesn't actually determine what gets spent (great piece in The Atlantic by P.J. O'Rourke on this) and you're up to 8% growth (that whole never vetoing a bill thing).

Could you point me to Kerry's plan where it states he's going to revoke tax exempt health care accounts (is that what you're taking about?) already in place? Otherwise, we'll file that under "Gotta believe Democrats will Nationalize all health services." How would that be accomplished with a Republican controlled Congress?

We have a pretty good unemployment rate, around 5%. The rate would be worse if 2% of the total population did not give up on looking for a job.

I don't know enough about the ballot spoilage rates to understand that 90% figure.

Bush's mess has more to do with foreign policy than anything else. Domestic policy can be fixed with a law, bill, or vote. We really can't have the Congress vote and suddenly change the global circumstances that allow Jihadist Islam to fester and plot against us. We need to get control of the wheel now, before Bush drives this country into the ditch.

Kerry is flawed. He's not likeable. He's not liberal enough! If I was a Democrat (I'm not) I'd be asking "Why did we pick this guy everyone considers as exciting as warmed over oatmeal?" He's trying to be pro-war and anti-war. I think he's anti-war, truthfully. I would feel more comfortable if he had joined with liberal senators and not voted to approve that Iraq resolution. His vote was politically motivated, sure. Show me a politician doesn't do this.

Posted by on 2004-10-13 02:19:38 +0000
Let's give the Florida ballot thing a rest...

"But Dems never do this: Black voters are more than 9 times more likely to have votes spoiled than white voters? what if some of the precincts had a 90% African American turnout? (which it did)"

OK, take your example: Say the precinct is 90% black (ie. 9000 blacks and 1000 whites). By the rates of spoilage overall (14.4 vs. 1.6), 1296 blacks would have invalid ballots, and 16 white people would. With over 90% of blacks voting Democratic, that's your election right there with one precinct of 10,000 ballots.

Makes your skin crawl doesn't it?

Posted by on 2004-10-13 02:55:58 +0000
Bush is responsible nationwide school voucher? That's news to me.

The Dept. of Education budget has tripled under Bush...

Posted by on 2004-10-13 03:21:36 +0000
Wow, I missed this:
"You'll balk at the funding and goals I'm sure, but I'll be brave and say that The Leave No Child behind act has raised educational standards for kids in public schools and Bush has helped to empower Parents unhappy with low performing schools to have vouchers to bring their kids to more competitive."

What do you have to support this? I have literally seen nothing.


I also note Burkee's response in the "Philanthropy and Teresa" thread, as she is a high school teacher:

"So many kids are already getting screwed by a system where 'Leave no Child Behind' means just the opposite, where additional standardized testing (MCAs) does nothing more than tell us what we already knew, and where underperforming schools are blamed for failing without the resources neccessary to succeed. If you feel any sense of responsibilty for the future of this country, if you think that every child deserves a decent education, if you care about children in general and not just your own, then you are in no position to support a voucher and its resulting damage to public schools."

Find one person who works in education and supports the vouchers idea. One.

Posted by on 2004-10-13 03:25:51 +0000
C'mon, dawn! You know those teachers are beholden to the NEA! They got their $45K jobs to protect!

Posted by on 2004-10-13 03:39:50 +0000
I'll agree that NCLB has raised standards (or at least, set standards). Like me previous post, I'm uncertain how it implemented a nationwide voucher system. I also think that if the standardized test becomes the means by which we grade competence-- well then, you can kiss our competitive, innovative, American entrepreneurial spirit good bye,

I remain to be convinced how vouchers help everyone, not just operators of private schools. It seems by giving parents an out from the public school system, we lessen the impetus needed to fix those systems that are failing.

Can we get a witness for a voucher thread? burkee, fire one up!

Posted by on 2004-10-13 16:49:52 +0000
terryg, are you in a union?

Posted by on 2004-10-13 17:19:06 +0000
Credit Union.

Posted by on 2004-10-13 17:35:54 +0000

Posted by on 2004-10-13 18:29:53 +0000
Digital Federal, partner.

Posted by on 2004-10-13 19:09:42 +0000
dcu.org mothafukka!

Posted by on 2004-10-13 20:00:55 +0000

Posted by on 2004-10-13 20:31:58 +0000
why damnit?

Posted by on 2004-10-13 20:34:58 +0000
DCU wouldn't let me join as terrgyg's "domestic partner" even though we lived with each other for 3 years. Bastards!

Posted by on 2004-10-14 00:48:13 +0000
If yr not a family member / partner / employee of digital / compaq / Hewlett PAckard / etc. are there any other ways to join? (Just curious cuz my Dad hooked me up with this in H. School and I never gave it much thought...)

BTW: The Worcester Centrum is becoming the DCU Center!!!!!!

Posted by on 2004-10-14 14:09:03 +0000
There is the relation clause. Without a relation, your company needs to be a member. You can get your company signed up if it's within 25 miles (?) of a DCU branch.

Posted by on 2004-10-14 20:55:14 +0000
I can actually join the DCU by joining the Assabet Valley Conservation Association, I believe tendiamonds did this. I'm just being funny with the domestic partner thing...

Posted by on 2004-10-15 00:50:57 +0000
no that's totally cool Dawn, we're all God's children... :)

I was just sincerely curious about all the ways one could join... I never actively pursued it, and I didn't realize how HARD banks make you grab yr ankles until a few friends told me horror stories.

Posted by on 2004-10-15 03:59:50 +0000

Posted by on 2004-10-15 10:49:05 +0000
understood! the CU in the title precludes it being a bank. My point was that one day I told someone at work about the $5 credit I get every month for using out of network ATMS, the overdraft protection, not getting charged for autobill pay etc etc etc. Most BANKS (unlike the credit union of DCU either do not offer or charge fees for these services......

Posted by on 2004-10-15 13:18:30 +0000
Oh, I get yr. post. Being a DCU member, you didn't realize that Fleet, Citizens, et al. were such blood sucking whores.

Still though, this is fun: DCU IS NOT A BANK!

Posted by on 2004-10-15 16:23:55 +0000

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