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Posted by tgl on 2004-10-26 15:13:40 +0000

RIP John Peel

<a href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1329692,00.html">The Times</a>

I'll have to listen to my Am. Rep. Peel Sessions today.

Posted by rladew on 2004-10-26 15:22:58 +0000
_ NAPALM DEATH Peel Sessions will be on my playlist today...

The AMREP one must kick ass! Is Helmet on there?

Others I can think of that are good off the top of my head:

Prong (way before they sucked)

<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>

Posted by tgl on 2004-10-26 15:34:06 +0000
AMREP session is:
and a fourth player to be named.

It's probably just a google away...

Posted by on 2004-10-26 15:39:50 +0000

<a href="http://www.jr.com/JRProductPage.process?Product=3936743">jr.com</a>

Doing the google pops numerous references to the Unsane Peel Sessions.

Posted by rladew on 2004-10-26 15:39:57 +0000
This post is a mistke.

Thanks for ignoring.</b></i>

Posted by tgl on 2004-10-26 17:43:55 +0000
I can delete it... you can delete it?

Posted by frame609 on 2004-10-26 18:49:33 +0000
I will listen to the Jawbox peel sessions today.

Posted by rladew on 2004-10-26 20:39:47 +0000
_where did you get those?

my collector jealousy is in full swing right now......

<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>

Posted by tgl on 2004-10-27 14:12:00 +0000
The AMREP Peel Sessions probably came from a used record store in Ann Arbor. Not Schoolkids... Encore?

It's just one, four bands, 2 songs each. Listened just to Cows and Helmet last night. Cows was a bit disappointing, they're covers of "You Are So Beautiful", and "How Dry I Am" being mostly just amusing.

Helment's "Sinatra" takes the cake. This was recorded in 1991(!), and there is plenty of metal guitar licks to go around.

Posted by frame609 on 2004-10-27 17:49:36 +0000
The Jawbox Peel sessions are at the beginning of 'My Scrapbook of Fatal Accidents'

Posted by rladew on 2004-10-27 22:20:14 +0000

thanks! I'm too lazy to ever read the liner notes! I never checked the comp.. I thought this was a release proper you were pulling out...

<b><i>If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack
Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black</b></i>

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