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Posted by rladew on 2004-10-05 20:30:13 +0000

Recent Netflixes

Recent Netflixes:

Mean Girls: struck me as a modern 'Heathers' or the Reese Witherspoon / Matt Broderick vehicle 'election' M. Girls was a really great "high school as total pain" entertainment

American Experience: Ronald Reagan: I'm sure you're all surprised. My favorite parts were Edmund Morris's testimonial. He wrote the really great biography 'T. rex' on teddy roosevelt as well as "Dutch" about guess who? Not too into the whole "moral crusade" against communism - I wouldn't belittle the people in a communist government and calling it an Evil Empire won't win you many friends, but aside from the moral / religous crusade, I also see people being more free and offered more opportunity in a capitalist state as opposed to a communist or socialist one...

Up Next: Super Size Me

Posted by on 2004-10-06 17:30:17 +0000
I just saw 'Super Size Me'- very well-done and funny. Like Michael Moore in like 1988 with FinalCut Pro.

I watched 'Iceman: The Confessions Of A Mafia Hitman" last night, which was okay, and finally mailed back 'Dancer In The Dark,' which sounds too fucking depressing to even watch.

Up next:'Children Underground,' 'Dogville,' and 'Starsky & Hutch.'

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