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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by tgl on 2004-10-12 21:34:35 +0000

ALDS Game 3 fotos

<img src="http://www.rideside.net/~tgl/ids/image-cache/20041008/%237_FH010024_disp512.jpg">

My specialty may indeed be: blurry photos of BQ in pubs.

The rest: http://www.rideside.net/~tgl/ids/index.cgi?mode=album&album=./20041008

Posted by on 2004-10-12 22:07:21 +0000
I Love it!

I wish I didn't live in NH sometimes.... You guys look like you had a lot of fun!

We should start a Blurry BQ gallery as well...

Find me on github.