officer officer OVERSEER!
morning chaps and chappettes,
guess who got nicked by the rozzers for running a red light this morning? i go through a pedestrian crossing with no pedestrians within a hundred yards and they come after me with sirens blaring and proceed to bloke the road around trafalgar square for 20 mins whilst checking im not a fleeing terrorist - 30 quid fine as well, the bastards....
anyhoo - i have been out of the loop for so long with changing job & flat etc that i thought i would check in and see what the cráic is
so whats new?
Reminds me of the time I got pulled over for running a red light. Not that I always do what my friends tell me to do.
what makes you imagine me as Tim? - always thought of myself as more of a Finchy really "while your down there love" you find yourself stealing quizical glances at the camera every now and then? with a raised eyebrow?
im ramping my flirting with Dawn up to never before seen levels as well
We were driving back from Ohio, all night, and we were in Worcester on the Mass Pike, in Jason's big van, when we got pulled over. DURING RUSH HOUR. Terry got slammed because there were a couple of us sleeping on the mattress in the back, and there weren't any seatbelts available for us.
Is it just bad luck, or bad vision, Terry?
You're really embarassing me, considering my experience with moving violations pales in comparison to other members of this board.
No, wait, I got a NY Thruway ticket on my way to Torono this summer... but those don't count, do they? Just one hit... then I gotta go....
My first ticket was when I got pulled over in full Class-A scout uniform.
You are turning into an upstanding citizen.
P.Chippy got a speeding ticket in his 1986 Nissan Centra tin can with a broken radio a couple of years ago. It goes 0-50 in about an hour.
That's pretty funny, eh? Even funnier because it's true.