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i ride sideways
Posted by tgl on 2004-10-11 15:11:57 +0000

Debate 2

Well, I was passed out at The Wad, after a rousing baseball game and missed the debate.

I've started in on the transcript.

Ethan told me his take was that Bush got the upperhand, W. Safire of the NYT agrees.

My first impression of the transcript was that Bush seemed to be really aggressive with the moderator. There are a few interruptions, so forth. Maybe Bush did a good job of firing up the base? Would an undecided voter (now down to 6% of likely voters?) have prefered Kerry's performance?

Great bit on 60 Minutes last night from Andy Rooney (...he's Emily Rooney's father!) at the very end of his piece on undecideds, called them flat out stupid. Huh.

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